crime and punishment (theme E)

Cards (51)

  • some christians believe that the punishment for a crime should be as severe as the crime committed
  • the law in the uk is to protect rights and security of all citizens
  • all christians believe that inhumane treatment of offenders is wrong
  • some christians believe offenders should be helped so they wont offend again
  • more severe punishments are reserved for more serious offences such as hate crime
  • the aims of punishment
    retribution - to get your own back and get revenge
  • the aims of punishment
    deterrence - to put people off from committing crimes
  • the aims of punishment
    reformation - to reform and help the offender and change them for the better
  • the aims of punishment
    protection - to protect the public from offenders/criminals
  • the parable of the sheep and goats mentions treating prisoners well
  • lords prayer quote - forgiveness
    "forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us"
  • retribution quote - bible
    "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a life for a life"
  • christians believe that suffering is a part of life but they should help others who are suffering
  • PUMA HUG - reasons for crime
    poverty, upbringing, mental illness, addiction, hate, unjust laws, greed
  • christians believe that suffering can often have a good outcome as jesus also suffered through his crucifixion in order to remove the sins of humanity
  • many question why god would allow his creation to suffer but others would argue that god gave humanity free will to behave as they choose
  • the teachings of jesus give guidance to help christians use their free will responsibly and oppose causing suffering to others
  • everyone makes mistakes which may be the cause of suffering
  • reformation quote - bible
    "do not take revenge"
  • prison is reserved for those who have committed serious crime, this is a loss of liberty as they are locked in cells
  • christians agree that prisoners should be supported through education and training
  • corporal punishment
    punish an offender by causing them physical pain such as whipping them, this is illegal in the uk
  • christians disagree with corporal punishment as it goes against jesus' teachings of love and compassion
  • community service
    a punishment for minor offences such as vandalism, this gives offenders a chance to make up for what they have done and reform their behaviour. christians agree with this
  • forgiveness is pardoning someone for what they have done wrong
  • it is a core christian belief that christians are expected to forgive others regrdless of what they have done
  • christians believe it is possible to forgive someone who has committed a crime and to believe justice is is done when they are sentenced to imprisonment
  • forgiveness does not replace punishment but the lords prayer teaches to forgive
  • the bible teaches that there is no limit to forgiveness and that they should follow jesus as he forgave the romans at his crucifixion
  • gee walker is a christian who forgave the killers of her 18 year old son, anthony walker, as she believes it benefits both the victim and criminal
  • christians believe that laws are important for keeping order in society so people may live in peace
  • the death penalty was abolished in the uk in 1969
  • some christians will agree with the death penalty as they believe it is a justifiable retribution for serious criminal acts such as murder
  • some christians oppose the death penalty purely because they believe taking a life is wrong, they believe only god has the right to take life as he gave it to humanity
  • jesus taught about forgiveness and warned people not to judge each other harshly
  • the principal of utility suggests that an action is right if it promotes maximum happiness for the maximum number of people affected by it
  • the principal of utility only allows the death penalty if the protection of wider society can be proven
  • the death penalty goes against the sanctity of life because it teaches that only god has the right to take a life
  • corporal punishment quote - genesis - bible
    "whoever sheds human blood by humans shall their blood be shed"
  • sanctity of life quote - genesis - bible
    "god created humankind in his own image"