
Cards (12)

  • One role of the police is to prevent crime. The police prevent crime from happening by encouraging the public to abide by the law. Police Scotland prevents crime by implementing initiatives and campaigns to draw attention to certain crimes. For example, domestic violence or anti-social behaviour.
  • Another role of the police is maintaining law and order. Police Scotland protects the public in many ways including responding to reported crimes. For example, by investigating major crimes.
  • A final role of the police is protecting the public.  Police Scotland make sure the public feel safe and they do so by being visible in communities. For example, by walking around communities to reassure people or by visiting schools to give talks on crime.
  • One power of the police is to detain and arrest. If the police suspect that a person has committed a crime they can stop them, arrest them and take them to the police station for investigation. For example, Natalie McGarry was arrested after embezzling thousands of pounds of pro-independence groups money.
  • Another power of the police is the power of search. Police have the power to search anyone who is alleged to have committed a crime. The police can only use this power if they have a reasonable suspicion that a person has committed an offence. They can search vehicles and buildings for evidence. For example, drugs and weapons.
  • A final power of the police is the power of entry. The police have the power of entering a property without a warrant if they are protecting a life or property, they are trying to stop a disturbance or if they are pursuing someone who is attempting or has already committed a crime. For example, trespassing, murder or rape.
  • One reason why the police are effective is because of early intervention. This is an effective way of reducing crime because it allows the police to intervene in criminal activity at an early stage and provide support, help and awareness which reduces offending patterns before criminal behaviour can take place. For example, schemes such as the Violence Reduction Unit (VRU) aim to prevent violent crimes from happening.
  • Another reason why police are effective is because of targeted approaches. Not all crimes are committed for the same reasons so different branches of the police are used for dealing with different crimes. For example, the police have specifically trained officers to deal with victims of domestic abuse.
  • A final reason why the police are effective is because of police presence. Some people who commit crimes do it thinking they won't get caught if there is a lack of police presence. Therefore, if there is a visible police presence in communities people are less likely to commit crime. For example, police presence at football matches can stop supporters from fighting with each other.
  • One reason why the police are ineffective is because of discrimination. the police have been criticised for not moving with the times and in some cases being racist or sexist when they are dealing with crimes. For example, sexual harassment or verbal assault.
  • Another reason why the police are ineffective is because of corruption. Corruption within the police force means that criminals may be able to avoid punishment by bribing police officers. For example, accepting money to let them go free.
  • A final reason why the police are ineffective is because of the recruitment crisis. There have been large numbers of police officers retiring early because of an increase in violent crime. For example, the metropolitan police says they were short of at least 1,000 officers in 2023.