new media

Cards (14)

  • convergence
    the process by which multiple media technologies are brought together into one computerized device.
  • interactivity
    new media allows audiences to be more engaged and active
  • user power
    new media allows users to be more in control with they way they use it
  • accessibility
    new media is free media
    allows all to access if they have a device
  • curran and seaton
    neophiliacs and cultural pessimists
  • neophiliacs
    people who are positive about the benefits of the media
    believe new media has led to increased choice
  • cultural pessimists
    people who are critical about new media
    argue developments of media has led to increased surveillance, crime
  • media conglomerates
    Companies that control a large number of media sources across several types of media outlets.
  • keen
    argues that the global nature of new media means difficult to regulate content
  • DMG media, News uk, reach
    what are the three main newspaper publishers in uk
  • 3 characteristics of new media
    1. convergence
    2. compression
    3. interactivity
  • cultural pessimists - negative aspects of new media
    1. monopolies - domination of media conglomerates
    2. quality - dumbed down tv
    3. elite power - transmits ruling class ideologies
  • neophiliacs - positive aspects of new media
    • e-commerce - online shopping
    • choice - on demand, streaming services
    • democracy - social media allows people to present all sorts of views
  • a03 of new media
    • evolution not revolution - not new, media has just evolved