Bartol1995 said that offenders felt that prison was brutal and demeaning
Ministry of Justice reported 119 sucides in 2016 which is 29% higher than 2015 (the guardian2017) equates to 1 every 3days which is 9Xhigher then generalpop
most vulnerable are young single men during the 24h of confident
Prisonreformtrust reported that 25% of men and women report symptoms of psychosis
supports the view that oppressiveprisonregimes have a detrimentaleffect on prisoners health
figures in PrisonReformTrust study dont include the number of inmatesexperiencingpsychotic symptoms before they were incarcerated
Those convicted may have pre-existingpsychological at the time they were convicted - even explain their offendingbehaviour
Importation model argues that prisoners may importpsychologicalproblems its unclear if this is a problem w the prisonregime or something else - ie trauma of being locked away regardless of what the prison is like
Suggests there may be confoundingvariables that influenceslink between prison + psychological effects
Provides opportunity for training and treatment
aim of imprisonment is rehabilitation - become better during prison their improvedcharacter means they maylead a crimefree life uponrelease
access education when in prisonincreasingpossibility they'll find employment upon release
VeraInstitute of Justice said offenders who take part in education programmes are 43% less likely to reoffend when released
prisons who offer these programmes report fewerincidents of violence
Prison can be worthwhileexperienceassuming offenders have access to these programmes