genbio finals module 8

Cards (15)

  • Darwin's most famous travel involved a trip to the Galapagos island.
  • Darwin wrote and published a book entitled "On the Origin of Species", in which he proposed the now famous theory of evolution by natural selection.
  • In 1809, Lamarck published his theory of how organisms changed over time.
    • His main ideas included that through selective use or disuse of organs, organisms may acquire or lose certain trait during their lifetime.
  • Theory of use and disuse
    • Organisms could alter the size, shape, or structure of particular body parts or organs by continuously using them in new ways.
    • Example is the giraffe, used to have short neck but there are no supply of foods on the ground so they eat the leaves of trees.
  • Theory of disuse
    • states that if ana animal choose not to use its body part, that body part or organ would eventually decrease in size for several generations until it finally disappears.
    • Example is the vestigial limb or spurs structures on snakes. Since snakes doesn't use their feet so the parts became underdeveloped.
  • Theory of Inheritance of Acquired Characteristics
    • states that organisms inherited their traits from their parents, and that they also pass them on to the next generation of offspring.
    • example is the trunk of an elephant same as the giraffe.
  • Evidence of Evolution
    • Biogeography
    • fossil record
    • homology
    • embryology
    • dna/protein sequences
  • Biogeography
    • The study of the distribution of plants and animals on earth.
    • the distribution of organisms in an environment can be used as an important tool for explaining evolution.
    • As observed by Charles Darwin
  • Fossil record
    • Contains preserved remains or evidence of ancient organisms.
    • Provides strong evidence of the history of life on earth.
    • They also show how different groups of organisms have changed over time.
  • Fact about fossils is that they reveal how life on earth changed from one period of time to the next because they appear in a particular order.
  • Fossils of ancient organisms appear on older rocks.
  • Paleontologist have found out that almost 99 percent of all species that have lived before became extinct.
  • Homology
    • can be found by studying and comparing certain body parts of different animals.
    • "Homologous Structures" means that bone structures that are quite similar but different functions of each organisms to survive in different environment.
  • Embryology
    • The early development of various organisms.
    • Different organisms have similar structures during their early embryological development.
    • The shared embryological development of organisms is also responsible for the similar growth of their homologous structures.
    • The comparative embryology among different species suggests that there is common ancestry because all the embryos have similar early developmental stages.
  • DNA/Protein Sequences
    • The study of DNA and protein sequence is important for identifying the evolution of organisms on Earth.
    • DNA sequencing is the most advanced tool or evidence for evolution.