pharate - the developmental stage enclosed in the integument of the preceding instar
teneral - condition of the insect immediately after molting
sclerotization - polymerization and cross bonding of chitin and protein to produce hardened insect skeleton
cuticle - skeleton of insects; skeletal muscles are attached to it
integument - first line of defense of from fungi, bacteria
insect physiology - study of how insects live and reproduce
instar - a stage between two successive molts
stadium - time between molts
larva - immature stages of holometabolous insects
all stages of insects contain an epiticularlayer that waterproofs the body
lamellae refract light
pore canals - passageways from 0.1 to 0.15 pum diameter
porecanals - transport lipids, cement, additional chemical components
a relatively unsclerotizedendocuticle is the layer next to the epidermal cells
chitin, one of the most widely occurring polysaccharides
during molting process, the epidermal cells secrete molting fluids into the apolysialspace to digest some old cuticle, eventually widening the the space
apolysis - the separation of old cuticle from the epidermal cells
cuticulin layer - the first part of the new cuticle to be secreted
bursicon - neuropeptide secreted by the nervous system promotes sclerotization and specifies how much cross linking of molecules will occur
resilin - an important structural protein of cuticle that is rubber-like, colorless, transparent, and insoluble in water
the products of neurosecretory cells serve as hormone neuromodulators, neurotransmitters, regulators of hormonal secretion
hypocerebral ganglion - innervates the heart, corpora cardiaca, and portions of the foregut
juvenile hormone - modifies the type of cuticle secreted
commissure - links ganglia within each segment where they are located in the central nervous system
electrical impulses moving undirectional away from the nerve cell body travels along an axon
hormones complement the nervous system in its functions
the ventral nerve cord of the CNS consists of paired segmentalganglia that runs along the ventral midline of the thorax and the abdomen
resting on the top of the esophagus, the three fused ganglionic masses in the brain are sometimes referred to as supraesophagealganglion
the ocellarnerve carries interneurons with sensory information inward to the protocerebrum
ventral ganglia - a tissue/organ produce the eclosion hormone and the compound that causes hardening and tanning of the new cuticle
juvenile hormone - determines the type of cuticle secreted by the epidermal cells and keeps ecdysone from forcing precocious metamorphosis
electrical signals - the nature of signals sent out from neurons
why adult insect do not molt
rough endoplasmic reticulum - proteinsynthesis
smoothendoplasmicreticulum - lipid synthesis
oenocytes - lipid secretion, lipid metabolism
apolysis - old cuticle separates from epidermal cells
apolysialdroplets - secreted by exocytosis from the plasma membrane
moltingfluid - first evident as osmiophillic droplets; contains both proteinases, chitinases
ganglion - structure containing a number of nerve cell bodies typically linked by synapses