According to the two process model, phobias can be acquired through classical conditioning and
1. Classical Conditioning
2. Classical conditioning is a process of learning by
3. associating two stimull together to condition
4. Jearn a response. According to the theory of
5. dassical conditioning, phobias can be acquired
6. through associative learning. The process of
7. classical conditioning can explain how we learn to
8. associate something we do not fear (neutral
9. stimadas, for example a ift, with something
10. which triggers a fear response (unconditioned
11. stimulus, for example being trapped. After an
12. association has formed, the lift (now a
13. conditioned stimulus) causes a response of fear
14. conditioned response) and consequently, we
15. develop a phobia of aft, following a single
16. incident of being trapped in a lift