Theme C

Cards (12)

  • human dignity and religious freedom

    - God loves and values everyone
    - everyone has human dignity
    "Christ in all and all in Christ"
    - Christ died for all so should be no division
    - Pope: "believers and non believers can work together"
    - no one should be forced
  • human rights

    - everyone has rights and dignity

    - Gadium et spes 26: rights and responsibilities of all need to be carefully considered. careful thought needs to be given to ambition of all. "the common good involves the rights and respects of the whole human race".

    - anyone who doesn't have basic human rights loses their identity as human beings.
    - all Christians should work towards justice.
    - caritas puts pressure on governments to fight human trafficking
  • responsibilities of the wealthy
    - Jesus sent disciples on a mission "take only a staff" - shouldn't be wasteful and have more than need.

    - rich man and lazarus as ignore those in need ignore Christ.
    - poor people deprived of their dignity

    - stewardship of wealth -> wealth is a gift for everyone and should be equally shared. food banks donate time and money. "the rich are to do good"(bible)
    "faith without works is dead" (bible)
  • wealth creation and exploitation

    - church against exploitation + human trafficking
    - church has lots of wealth
    - genesis -> Joseph stored spare food in case of famine
    - use wealth positively,
    - wealth creation shouldn't be at expense of poor
    "work is for man, man is not for work"
    - many vulnerable flee homes and end up in exploitation.
  • greed and materialism
    - greed=desire for more despite others
    - "take care and be on your guard against all kinds of greed"
    - greed one of the 7 deadly sins, Jesus warns us against this.

    - Pope = "lose our dignity as human beings"
    - materialism distorts our sense of value

    - monk/nuns - vows of poverty Jesus said "if you wish to be perfect go sell all your processions and give all your money to the poor". - live simply to right the balance in the world.
  • poverty
    -preferred option for the poor - favoured as they suffer "let the mind be in you that was in Christ".
    - poor first to receive mercy of God -> should put needs of others first.
    - catholic duty to protect the poor.
    - part of body of Christ
    - "faith by itself without works is dead"

    - most in poverty want self sufficient help
    - some argue that giving money does little to help and we should try tackle root cause of poverty
    beatitudes - "blessed are the poor"
  • examples of helping the poor

    - CAFOD: cancel world debt, should try and stop cycle of poverty, help get people out of crisis, access to clean water and helps in climate disasters.

    - FAIRTRADE: producers get fair price able to support families.

    - SALVATION ARMY: education for poor to provide long term aid, to tackle root causes of poverty.
  • 7 corporal acts of mercy (bible)

    - feed hungry
    - drink for the thirsty
    - welcome strangers
    - visit the prisoner
    - clothe the naked
    - shelter homeless
  • equality
    - believe women's place is in home but appreciate value to society.
    - women can't be priests. only men ordained
    - Anglicans women priests in 1992, bishops in 2014.
    - women should have equal matters of call
    "all have same creator"
    "those who say I love God and hate their brothers and sisters are liars"
  • 7 deadly sins
    lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, pride
  • catholic social teaching

    - human dignity
    - common good
    - solidarity
    - subsidiarity - help people make local decisions.
    - stewardship
  • racial prejudice and discrimination

    - God created everyone in "his image" he is present in each person regardless or race. we are all saved through Christ.

    - everyone should be respected
    - Britain is a multicultural society.
    - racial prejudice is based on lack of knowledge
    - we should treat others fairly "love thy neighbour"
    - catholic schools - diverse, understanding and accepting
    - offer support through prayer, group discussion and education.
    - "whatever insults human dignity poisons society"
    - gives society a hierarchy
    - prejudice and discrimination are "incompatible with God's design"