Modern Studies

Cards (152)

  • Democracies allow People to:
    - Choose and have representatives to speak on their behalf
    - Have a free media
    - Have rights and responsibilities (including the right to be equal, vote, protest and be involved in politics)
  • What is freedom of speech?
    Freedom of speech is the right to seek, recieve and impart information and ideas of all kinds, by any means
  • What is the right to protest
    Everybody has the right to a peaceful protest and no restrictions shall be placed on this unless it is in the interests of national security, public safety or for the prevention of disorder or crime
  • What does 'Devolution' mean
    the transfer of powers from a central body
  • what does 'devolved matters' mean
    these were the powers that were in effect given to the Scottish Parliament
  • what are the devolved matters
    - Health
    - Education
    - Environment
    - Tourism
  • what are the reserved matters
    - Immigration
    - Social security
    - Drug laws
    - Defence
  • what is the Scottish Parliament in charge of
    - Elects First Minister
    - Passes/rejects Bills
    - Accepts/rejects Budget
  • Who is the current First Minister and what Party are they in
    - Humza Yousaf
    - SNP (Scottish National Party)
  • What does the title 'First Minister' mean
    'first among equals' in the Scottish Cabinet
  • Facts about the SNP
    - the current SNP Government is a minority Government of 64 seats
    - they fell short of one seat to make them a majority government
    - the current government has had to make 'friends' with the Green Party with the hope of the Green Party voting in favour of their policies
  • Facts about the First Minister
    - Political leader of Scotland and head of the devolved government
    - Appoints members to Cabinet and presents and implements policy
    - Represents and promotes Scotland at home and abroad
    - Chairs weekly Wednesday Cabinet mettings and is accountable to the Scottish Parliament
  • Rights that the public have in terms of participating in a democracy
    - To elect our representatives and vote on issues such as Scottish independence.
    - To vote in an election when aged 16 or over.
    - To express our views in speech and in print, on social networking sites and by writing to newspapers.
    - To protest and try to change government legislation
  • Responsibilities that the public have in terms of participating in a democracy
    - To accept the decision of the majority even if we disagree.
    - To be responsible citizens and use our vote in an attempt to influence our representatives.
    - To avoid telling lies or slandering individuals since this is illegal.
    - To protest within the law and respect the rights of others.
  • Reasons people may not vote?
    - Voter Apathy
    - Lack of role models
    - Do not identify with the parties
  • Reasons people may not vote: Voter Apathy
    This means often they can't be bothered voting, don't think politicians can help them or don't care about the results.
  • Reasons people may not vote: Lack of Role Models
    This means people may not vote as they do not think anyone represents their views and life experience
  • Reasons people may not vote: Do not identify with the parties
    This means they don't share the beliefs or policies being suggested by the political parties or they think all the policies are the same.
  • Campaign Methods
    - Canvassing voters by talking to people in the streets or by going door to door
    - Handing out leaflets
    - Attending debates with other potential candidates
    - Visiting local businesses
    - party election Broadcasts on TV
    - Keeping a blog/ use of social media
  • Party Membership
    Party members will vote for the party and will talk to and try to persuade others to vote for the party too!
  • Causes of Terrorism
    - Social
    - Political
    - Economic
  • Social Causes of Terrorism
    - Peer-pressure
    - Religious Beliefs
    - Ideological Beliefs
  • Economic Causes of Terrorism
    - Lack of Investment
    - Poverty
    - Unemployment
  • How does religious beliefs cause Terrorism
    When people are influenced to commit terrorism as a result of their religious beliefs they justify their violence by claiming that they are acting out the wishes of a higher, religious authority.
  • How does ideological differences cause terrorism

    Ideologies tend to provide a set of beliefs that justify and mandate certain behaviours. Those beliefs are regarded as absolute, and the behaviours are seen as serving a meaningful cause.
  • How does nationalism cause terrorism
    Nationalism advocates for independence based on shared culture, heritage, or language, but some individuals worldwide struggle to achieve it peacefully, resorting to violence and terrorism.
  • How does retaliation cause terrorism
    Retaliation is the action of harming someone because they have harmed you or something you care about. Sometimes, people believe that they must take revenge for what they see as unjust actions.
  • How does poverty cause terrorism
    Poverty is a cause of terrorism because terrorist groups can offer people a way out of this lifestyle. They offer people food, shelter and even companionship. Terrorism is seen as the only way out of poverty for some people.
  • Consequences of Terrorism
    - People
    - Countries & Government
    - Wider World
  • Consequences of terrorism - people
    - Death
    - Fear
    - Injury
    - Kidnapping
    - Islamophobia
  • Consequences of terrorism - countries & government
    - Increased Security
    - Tourism
    - Damaged Infrastructure
  • Consequences of terrorism - wider world
    - Compromising Human Rights
    - Refugee Crisis
    - Instability
  • why is death a consequence of terrorism
    A terrorists main goal can be to cause as much suffering as they can by killing as many people as they can.
  • why is fear a consequence of terrorism
    Fear from terrorist attacks can significantly impact survivors, communities, and countries, leading to changes in daily habits and even loss of independence.
  • why is kidnapping a consequence of terrorism
    Terrorist groups forcibly take people who could be useful to them. This could be a recruitment exercise, to instil fear in the community, or simply to gain international attention. Kidnapping for ransom is also a way for terrorist groups to fund their activity.
  • why is compromised human rights a consequence of terrorism
    The threat caused by international terrorism has meant that countries have had to develop ways of trying to prevent it. Some of these strategies can be controversial because civil and human rights are restricted.
  • why is instability a consequence of terrorism
    Instability in a region because of terrorism means that extremist groups can try to gain power.​
  • Who Responds to Terrorism
    - European Union
    - United Nations
  • what are the EU's non-military tactics for terrorism
    - Intelligence sharing
    - Monitoring air passengers
    - Eurojust (European Union Agency for Criminal Justice Cooperation)
  • What is intelligence sharing
    This means that when key information about terrorist suspects or possible attacks is received it is sent to all intelligence services and police in the EU.