Diff treatment regimens — common is sub-chronic7daysonce or twice dailyi.p.injection
Leave a few days for immediatedrugeffects to washout
Can then do behaviouraltesting, recordoscillations, or do immunohistochemistry
Now also do earlyneonatal injections to model earlylifeinjury
Changes in PV+ interneurones
Reduced PV labelling after treatment with NMDA antagonist (eg PCP, ketamine) for 5 days
No assessment of cognitive function — changes can persist for weeks or months
DecreasedPV labelling in rat pre-limbic region of the PFC following PCPtreatment is reversed by clozapine but not haloperidol
Reduceddendriticasymmetric spines in the PFC following PCP is reversed by antipsychotic treatment
MIA model of SCZ
Maternalimmuneinactivation — Inject polyI.C or LPS to mimic viral/bacterialinfection
Maternalimmuneresponse — cytokines cross the placental barrier leading to inflammation in the offspring
Exhibit changes linked to SCZ — Abnormalsociability, Increasedrepetitivebehaviours, Cognitiveimpairments, Decreasedhippocampalvolume, Early changes in microglia
Changes in the PNNs on PVinterneurones
In control mice — PNNsincrease during development
MIA model of SCZ shows reducedPNNs + reduced proportion of PV cells within PNN when mice reach adulthood
Changes also varied in diff regions
Not linked to persistentimmune response
Rodent models of SCZ
Oscillations between hippocampus and PFC impaired
Transgenic mouse that models the 22q11deletion syndrome
Reducedfiring of PVinterneurons
Also reduced synchrony of activity
Restoring PVneuronfunction — Neuregulin peptide is neurotrophic factor, acts on ErbB4 Rs largely specific for PVinterneurones, Modulates NMDA function