Cards (21)

  • Sound sensors is an input device that detects the intensity of the sound waves and convert these into electrical signal
  • The Ultrasonic sensor measures the distance of nearby objects
  • Blocks you need for programming the sound sensor in Miranda simulators: When starts up, open console, forever [print(sound sensor on-board loudness)]
  • Light sensors are input devices, they are used to detect and measure the intensity of light in lux
  • When starts up block is used to run the program after you click or tap the play icon\
  • Forever block is used to run all blocks inside of it repeatedly
  • If else then block is used when we want the robot to make a decision
  • Wait seconds block is used to add time interval between commands
  • Left wheel turns at power 100 right wheel turns at power 100 block is used to command the robot to move
  • open console is used to open a small window next to the robot
  • light sensor is used to print any text or value inside the slot
  • Line follower sensor is used to detect the position of a line.
  • Infrared sensors (IR) are used to allow the robot to stay away within the line
  • Infrared Light Emitting Diode (IR LED) emit infrared light to the surface within 1-2 cm and reflects back to the photodiode
  • 0 = all black
  • 1 = right IR detects white
  • 2 left IR detects a white surface\
  • 3 = all white
  • Equal block is used to compare the value detected by the line follower sensor
  • Print is used to print any text or value inside the slot
  • Line follower sensor value is used to get the value of the line follower sensor