Religion + Race

Cards (13)

  • Why did the KKK decline?

    The grand-dragon of the Indiana Klan, David Stephenson was convicted of rape and mutilation of a women in 1925.
  • What were some of the actions that the KKK committed?

    Lynching, flogging, brandings, mutilation, tar, feathering, kidnapping.
  • Who were the UNIA?
    Founded by Marcus Garvey, he though black people should celebrate their blackness. The UNIA then fell apart after Garvey was deported to Jamaica.
  • Who was John Scopes?

    A biology teacher who taught Darwen's theory of evolution while it was banned. He was fined $100.
  • How were the Native Americans treated in the 1920s?

    Until the Indian Citizenship Act in 1924, Native Americans were denied a full American Citizenship and were taught to reject their own culture. Even after this, they were still treated like second class.
  • When was the NAACP founded and when was its peak?

    The NAACP was founded in 1910 and its peak was in 1919 when it had 90,000 members and 300 branches.
  • Who were the NAACP?

    Founded by William Du Bois, the NAACP believed in peaceful, non-violent methods to fight for civil rights.
  • What was the great migration?
    As segregation did not exist in northern states, many black Americans decided to migrate in order to find better lives, 7 million made the trek. However life was still difficult and were continued to be treated as second class.
  • Who were the K.K.K?
    A white supreme racist group who terrorised black Americans in southern states.
  • What is a bible belt state?
    A state that forbid the teaching of Darwin's theory of evolution. The bible belt states were made of many Christian fundamentalists who only believed in Creationism.
  • What were the Jim Crow laws?
    Segregation laws in the United States that was created in 1910.
  • What was the movie that caused a rise in the popularity of the K.K.K?
    The birth of a nation
  • When was the K.K.K. founded?