Founded by MarcusGarvey, he though black people should celebrate their blackness. The UNIA then fell apart after Garvey was deported to Jamaica.
Who was JohnScopes?
A biology teacher who taught Darwen's theory of evolution while it was banned. He was fined $100.
How were the NativeAmericans treated in the 1920s?
Until the Indian Citizenship Act in 1924, Native Americans were denied a full American Citizenship and were taught to reject their own culture. Even after this, they were still treated like second class.
When was the NAACP founded and when was its peak?
The NAACP was founded in 1910 and its peak was in 1919 when it had 90,000 members and 300 branches.
Who were the NAACP?
Founded by WilliamDuBois, the NAACP believed in peaceful, non-violent methods to fight for civil rights.
What was the great migration?
As segregation did not exist in northern states, many black Americans decided to migrate in order to find better lives, 7million made the trek. However life was still difficult and were continued to be treated as second class.
Who were the K.K.K?
A whitesupremeracist group who terrorised black Americans in southernstates.
What is a bible belt state?
A state that forbid the teaching of Darwin's theory of evolution. The bible belt states were made of many Christian fundamentalists who only believed in Creationism.
What were the Jim Crow laws?
Segregation laws in the United States that was created in 1910.
What was the movie that caused a rise in the popularity of the K.K.K?