Cards (49)

  • A PA chest radiograph reveals that only seven ribs are seen above the diaphragm on a healthy adult. Which of the following suggestions would improve the inspiration of lungs? Second inspiration  
  • The central ray (CR) for an anteroposterior (AP) supine, adult chest projection, should be centered: 3-4 inches below the jugular notch   
  • A general rule states that radiographic grids must be used in chest radiography for: exposure factors using 100 kV or greater  
  • A correctly positioned lateral chest radiograph demonstrates some separation of the posterior ribs owing to the divergent x-ray beam. But a separation of greater than 1 cm indicates objectionable rotation from a true lateral.  
  • What is the primary disadvantage of performing an AP projection of the chest rather than a PA? Increased magnification of the heart  
  • What position is most crucial to demonstrate possible air and fluid levels in the chest? Patient in erect or decubitus position
  • A PA chest radiograph reveals that the left sternoclavicular joint is closer to the spine than the right joint. What specific positioning error has been committed? Rotation to the left anterior oblique positions (LAO) 
  • What technique is most effective in preventing lung markings from obscuring the sternum on an oblique projection? Orthostatic breathing technique  
  • The technologist must increase manual exposure factors for a patient with severe ascites. 
  • Why is the RAO sternum preferred to the LAO position? The RAO projects the sternum over the shadow of the heart 
  • Which position can replace the RAO of the sternum if the patient cannot lie prone? LPO 
  • To ensure that the inferior margin of the abdomen is included on a KUB radiograph, the technologist should palpate the: greater trochanter or symphysis pubis  
  • What is the best method to control voluntary motion during abdominal radiography? Short exposure time 
  • An ambulatory patient comes to radiology with a clinical history of possible pneumonia. The patient complains of pain in the center of her chest. What positioning routine should be performed on this patient? PA chest and left lateral  
  • The upper margin of the lungs is at the level of the: vertebra prominens
  • The two most common landmarks for chest positioning are the: jugular notch and vertebra prominens 
  • Which of the following statements is true about radiography of ribs located above the diaphragm? Suspend breathing upon inspiration   
  • Which two positions must be taken for an injury to the right anterior upper ribs? PA and LAO 
  • Where is the CR centered for a PA projection of the sternoclavicular joints? 3 inches distal to vertebra prominens
  • How many posterior ribs should be seen abovethe diaphragm for a well-inspired PA chestprojection? 10 ribs
  • What is the recommended kV range for adultchest radiography? 110-125 kV
  • What type of immobilization technique shouldbe used for a chest study in a young pediatricpatient? Use Pigg-O-Stat
  • What is the minimum SID for erect chestradiography? 72 in
  • A fracture of adjacent ribs, in two or moreplaces, caused by blunt trauma and associatedwith underlying pulmonary injury is called: Flail chest
  • A hypersthenic patient requires greater rotationof the sternum for the RAO projection ascompared with a sthenic patient: False
  • The ideal, general position for a study of theribs below the diaphragm is recumbent: True
  • Which of the following technical considerationsdoes NOT apply to a rib study for an injury tothe left, upper anterior ribs? Exposure upon expiration
  • Which of the following positioning/technicalconsiderations does NOT apply to a rib studyfor an injury to the right, lower posterior ribs? LPO Projection
  • A pathologic condition in which twisting of aloop of intestine creates an obstruction istermed: Volvulus
  • What is the preferred length of time a patientshould lie on his or her side prior to a lateraldecubitus projection? 10-20 minutes
  • Where is the CR centered for an AP erectabdomen projection as part of an acuteabdomen series? 1-2 inches above iliac crest
  • What projection is this? PA Chest
  • What projection is this? Lateral Upright Chest
  • What projection is this? Lateral decubitus
  • What projection is this? AP lordotic
  • What type of central ray (CR) angle is required for the AP semi-axial projection for the lung apices?  15-20 degrees cephalad
  • What projection is this? Bilateral ribs above diaphragm
  • What projection is this? Bilateral ribs below diaphragm
  • What projection is this? AP oblique above diaphragm
  • What is this projection? AP oblique below diaphragm