The general term for goddess, meaning energy
Although she is the consort of Shiva, Shakti is thought of in more specific forms when she is worshipped
Parvati is said to be the reincarnation of Sati, Shiva's first wife, who had killed herself after her father verbally abused Shiva
Parvati followed Shiva to the Himalayas and finally won his love, becoming the example of perfect motherhood
Durga is a fierce and powerful goddess, with many arms to fight with demons, often portrayed riding on a lion or a tiger, with weapons like a bow and arrow, discus, trident and curved sword
Kali is also a fierce and wild goddess, with at least four arms holding a sword, a severed head, a bowl to catch the blood and a trident, often shown naked, with blue or black skin, a protruding tongue and a garland of human skulls, associated with death and destruction, particularly of demons