The tri-murti-Shiva.

Cards (14)

  • Shiva
    The Destroyer, but he also assists in the creation of new things; some things have to end for others to begin
  • Shiva
    • Appears in different aspects such as Nataraja (Lord of the dance)
    • People often select the quality that appeals to them at the time
  • Shaivites
    Followers of Shiva, often 'world renouncers' or on a pilgrimage
  • Parvati
    Shiva's wife, who is also Kali, Durga and Shakti in different forms
  • Shiva's different forms are not considered to be avatars
  • Ayurveda
    The Churning of the Ocean of Milk
  • Amrita
    The nectar of immortality
  • Halahala
    A deadly poison
  • Viṣakaṇṭha
    The one who held poison in his throat
  • Nataraja
    Shiva as the lord of dance, encompassing all "creation, destruction and all things in between"
  • Nataraja iconography

    • Incorporates contrasting elements - a fearless celebration of the joys of dance while being surrounded by fire, untouched by forces of ignorance and evil, signifying a spirituality that transcends all duality
  • Ganga
    The holiest of rivers, glowing from the crown of Shiva's head, representing the causal waters from which the earth arises and the essential instrument of ritual purification
  • Shiva is linked to the goddess Ganga
    • Through the sacred Ganga
    • Through the story of the Great River
  • The Great River

    The story of how Ganga, sent down to Earth by Brahma, was controlled by Shiva to prevent the planet from being drowned, leading to the formation of the Ganges river