2.1_Death and the Afterlife

Cards (20)

  • Catholic beliefs on euthanasia
    - they reject it as an appropriate way to end a life.
    - all human life in sacred.
    - life is a gift from God and should be respected from conception to natural death.
    - "thou shalt not kill"
  • describe the catholic teaching about the importance of dying well. [6 points]
    - being prepared for death, eg seek forgiveness from others
    - respecting human life until natural death
    - rejecting euthanasia
    - John Paul II said that euthanasia is a "grave violation of the law of God."
    - palliative care
    - make sure the dying person is as comfortable as possible.
  • "The quality of life is more important than the sanctity of life." Discuss this statement. AGREE V DISAGREE
    - human life is only valuable if the quality of that life is not diminished.
    - a person experiencing illness should have the right to decide whether to die; sanctity of life shouldn't be more important than a person's autonomy.
    - some suffering is so extreme and quality of life so low that euthanasia should be allowed.

    - all human beings are valuable because they are made imago dei "God created mankind in his image."
    - if human life isn't treated as sacred in all cases, this means it becomes possible for the government to decide which human lives are not worth living
    - the effect of suffering can be reduced and made bearable
    - John Paul II said euthanasia is "a grave violation of the law of God."
  • what did Paul's first letters to the Corinthians say about life after death?
    "if there is a physical body, there is also a spiritual body."
  • "There is life after death." Discuss. AGREE V DISAGREE
    - resurrection
    - the soul lives on after death - "flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God."
    - people have had near death experiences.
    - belief in life after death helps us to cope with loss of loved ones and finality of death.
    - "he will come again in glory to judge the living and dead, and his kingdom will have no end."

    - no scientific evidence for life after death; scientists show a person's brain stops functioning after death.
    - focusing on life after death might lead people to forget to focus on living this life well.
  • what does eschatology mean?
    the study of what happens at the end of the world
  • what do Catholic believes about judgement?
    - when someone dies God judges the soul
    - there will be a final judgement on the whole of creation (this idea can be found in the parable of the sheep and the goats).
  • describe heaven.
    - eternal happiness, one with God
    - beyond human experience, no sadness, pain or suffering
  • describe hell.
    - a place of suffering and isolation from God.
    - God is fair and so cannot let evil go unpunished.
  • describe the story from Luke of the rich man and Lazarus
    - a rich man lives a life of luxury but ignores the beggar, Lazarus
    - Lazarus dies and goes to heaven while the rich man goes to hell.
    - message is that everyone will be judged on how they have lived their life and rewarded accordingly.
  • what is the Magisterium? [4 points]
    - the teaching authority of the Church.
    - the Pope and bishops safeguard the church's teachings and ensure Jesus' teachings are protected.
    - they are guided by the Holy Spirit
    - believed the Pope cannot make a mistake when preaching.
  • what is Ordinary Magisterium?
    - the everyday teachings of the Church
  • Explain the importance of the Second Vatican Council
    - the most authoritative presentation of Church teaching
    - respond to huge change sin society, technology and politics following WW2
    - aimed to present the Church as living and relevant in the modern world.
    - led to increase in participation in Mass
    - in Gaudium et Spes, the Council engaged with questions of poverty and social justice - "peace on earth cannot be obtained unless personal well-being is safeguarded."
  • What did the Second Vatican Council say about poverty and social justice in 'Gaudium et Spes'?
    "peace on earth cannot be obtained unless personal well-being is safeguarded."
  • what are some changes brought about by the Second Vatican Council?
    - mass went from being in Latin to being in the local language.
  • describe the Catholic funeral rite.
    - believe that death is not the end.
    - the coffin is sprinkled with water as a reminder of their baptism.
    - priest places a gospel, signifying the person's life dedicated to the teachings of Jesus.
  • what does Mother Teresa say about prayer?
    "prayer is not asking, prayer is putting onself in the hands of God."
  • "A loving God would never condemn anyone to hell." Discuss.
    - The New Testament teaches that God will forgive anyone of anything. In that case, there is no need for Hell
    - The punishments of Hell are eternal. No-one deserves to be punished for all eternity, no matter how bad their sin.
    - A God who condemns does not seem to be like Jesus who never condemned sinners.

    - The Bible contains many passages that refer to Hell. Jesus warned of the fire that will burn some people up on the last day.
    - Hell is necessary for the sake of human freedom
    - if God forced all people to be with God in the end, this would mean humans were not free to reject God.
    - It is not God who condemns people
  • what does Matthew say about forgiveness?

    "if you do not forgive you will not be forgiven."
  • what parable is in Matthew?
    the parable of the unforgiving servant