
Cards (14)

  • Aim: To test for factors that would enable an unattended, dichotically presented messages to be noticed.
  • Broadbent (1958)

    Argued that the world is composed of many more sensations than can be handled by the perceptual and cognitive capabilities of the human observer
  • To cope with the flood of available information
    Humans must selectively attend to only some information and somehow 'tune out' the rest
  • Methods of studying attention

    • Selective attention
    • Divided attention
  • Selective attention

    People are presented with two or more simultaneous 'messages', and are instructed to process and respond to only one of them
  • Divided attention
    Dual-task technique in which people are asked to attend and respond to both (or all) the messages
  • Participants in study 1&2: 12
  • IV & DV for study 1
    IV: shadowed message, rejected message & control
    DV: number of words correctly recognised in the rejected message & recognition test
  • IV & DV for study 2:
    IV: whether or not instructions were prefixed by participants own name
    DV: number of affective instructions heard
  • IV & DV for study 3:
    IV: instructions given -shadowed message/numbers
    DV: number of digits reported
  • participants in study 3: 28
  • Study 1 method:
    prose in one ear, simple words in the other. Report all words & recognition test.
  • Study 2 method:
    10 passages of fiction. 10 different instructions. Some were ‘affective’. How many times instruction was followed was recorded.
  • Study 3 method:
    same as study 2, but digits were inserted into messages.