Religious acts presuppose some degree of impurity or defilement for the practitioner, which must be overcome or neutralized before or during ritual procedures
Includes the performance of offerings in a regulated manner, with the preparation of sacred space, recitation of texts, and the manipulation of objects
Hindus believe that the forest should be looked after and protected, especially because of the industrial growth that has happened in India, which has been harming the environment
Bhaktivedanta Manor, in the UK, was set up in 1996 in reaction to many cows being killed because of the BSE crisis to protect and look after these animals
Many Hindu women have stepped forward to promote the rights of women and many charities have worked hard to raise awareness and promote the well-being, inclusion and rights of women
The Manushi organisation has devoted itself to the campaign for women's rights and its interventions have influenced change and the way women are viewed by many
In the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna pointed out to his disciple Arjuna that women are as worthy and as capable as men of achieving liberation, or moksha