
Cards (28)

  • Sewa
    Selfless service
  • Charity in Hinduism

    • Helping others without expecting something in return
    • Doing the right thing
  • Ahimsa
    • Not harming or killing anything living
    • Protecting the environment
    • Looking after other people and animals
  • Dana
  • Purity and pollution

    Religious acts presuppose some degree of impurity or defilement for the practitioner, which must be overcome or neutralized before or during ritual procedures
  • Purification
    Usually with water, is a typical feature of most religious actions
  • Avoidance of the impure

    Taking animal life, eating flesh, associating with dead things, or body fluids
  • Respect
    Those individuals or groups who manage to avoid the impure are accorded increased respect
  • Sacrifice
    Includes the performance of offerings in a regulated manner, with the preparation of sacred space, recitation of texts, and the manipulation of objects
  • Merit
    Gained through the performance of charity or good works, that will accumulate over time and reduce sufferings in the next world
  • Pollution (Hindu)

    Differs from the western term in that it is about impurity or defilement that must be overcome through purification rituals
  • Pollution
    Caste System
  • Friends of Vrindavan

    • Protect the forests by cleaning areas
    • Educate people about how to look after the environment
    • Join together all people who care about sacred forests
  • Hindus believe that Krishna, who was Vishnu's eighth incarnation or avatar, lived in Vrindavan forest
  • Hindus believe that the forest should be looked after and protected, especially because of the industrial growth that has happened in India, which has been harming the environment
  • Tree conservation movement

    • Prevent trees being needlessly removed
    • Arrange protests to stop them being cut down
  • Cows
    Sacred animals in Hinduism
  • Cow protection movement

    • Look after cows in special places called goshallas
    • Cows have always provided people with everything they have needed to survive, such as milk and butter, and therefore need to be treated with respect
  • Hindus want to follow the example set by Krishna, who was respectful to cows
  • The Bhagavad Gita, one of the Hindu holy books, says that cows should not be slaughtered and that cows are "the mothers of all things"
  • Bhaktivedanta Manor, in the UK, was set up in 1996 in reaction to many cows being killed because of the BSE crisis to protect and look after these animals
  • Cows
    Krishna and Shiva
  • Cows
  • Traditional role of Hindu women

    • Supporting family life
    • Playing an important role in the religious activities of the family
  • The role of a Hindu woman in the family has changed greatly over time due to many factors including globalisation and the impact of Western cultures
  • Many Hindu women have stepped forward to promote the rights of women and many charities have worked hard to raise awareness and promote the well-being, inclusion and rights of women
  • The Manushi organisation has devoted itself to the campaign for women's rights and its interventions have influenced change and the way women are viewed by many
  • In the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna pointed out to his disciple Arjuna that women are as worthy and as capable as men of achieving liberation, or moksha