To understand adult morality, Piaget believed that it was necessary to study how morality manifests in the child's world and the factors that contribute to the emergence of central moral concepts such as welfare, justice and rights
Punishment & Obedience - rules are kept to avoid punishment
Instrumental-relativist Orientation - 'Right Behaviour is that which ultimately brings rewards to oneself
Conventional Stage:
Good boy - good girl orientation - 'Good' behaviour is what pleases others. Conformity to goodness
Law and order orientation - Doing one's duty, obeying laws is important
Post conventional stage:
Social contract orientation - 'Right' is what is democratically agreed upon
Universal principles orientation - Moral action is taken based upon self-chosen principles
Aim: To show how, as young adolescents develop into young manhood, they move through the distinct levels and stages of moral development proposed by Kohlberg in his theory of moral development.
Sample: 75 American boys who were aged 10-16 at the start of the study were followed at three-year intervals through to ages 22-28.
Research design:
Longitudinal study following the development of a group of boys for 12 years by presenting them with hypothetical, philosophical moral dilemmas
1. Participants were presented with hypothetical moral dilemmas in the form of short stories to solve
2. The stories were to determine each participant's stage of moral reasoning for each of 25 moral concepts/aspects