Kumbh Mela

Cards (5)

  • Kumbh Mela
    Site of the world's largest pilgrimage, where 'kumbh' means 'jar' and 'mela' means 'fair or gathering'
  • What happens at Kumbh Mela
    1. There are four different pilgrimage sites used in rotation every three years, with a large festival taking place every twelve years at Prayaga
    2. The mythological origin is in the story of the churning of the oceans by gods and demons, when the celestial bird Garuda flew away with a jar containing the nectar of immortality
    3. The timing of the festival is carefully calculated by studying the stars, and it is particularly linked to the constellation of Aquarius
    4. At the 2013 Kumbh Mela, it is estimated that 100 million people bathed in the Ganges to release themselves from the repeated cycle of birth and death
    5. The pilgrimage takes place over 55 days with a fair-like atmosphere, where pilgrims purchase garlands of marigolds to cast into the water as an offering
    6. Sadhus from all over India take part in the pilgrimage, with naked sadhus leading the procession into the water
    7. Kumbh Mela demonstrates Hindu passion and devotion, with pilgrims reciting prayers and seeing it as a time of special blessing
  • Sources
    • A: A person's experience while on pilgrimage
    • B: When 15 million pilgrims gathered at Kumbh Mela
    • C: Two million pilgrims taking a sacred dip at Kumbh Mela
    • D: Saints coming from all over India to take part in Kumbh Mela
  • Kumbh Mela is the site of the world's largest pilgrimage
  • Sadhus come from all over India to take part in the Kumbh Mela pilgrimage