Elizabeth Enq 2

Cards (11)

  • functions of the privy council
    -enforce religious settlement and compliance
    -detect plots against the monarch
    -to advise Queen 'without fear or favour'
    -manage crown finances
    -to discuss matters of state and offer policy advice
    -influence queen
    -oversee national defence with Lords Lieutenants
    -oversee the operation of religious councils
    -adjudicate as court of law star chamber
    -manage parliament
  • the privy chamber
    -strictly guarded
    -no political influence
    -under rule of Mary and E the role was undertaken by ladies of the bed chamber
    -political significance of role diminished
    -had access to the private rooms of the monarch
  • the royal household
    -E's favourites were usually rewarded with positions in the household
    -might have official titles unrelated to function they actually did
    -included those of E's servants who were in attendance to her
    -Lord Steward, Lord Chamberlain, the Treasurer and the Comptroller of the Household, the Captain of the Guard and Master of the Horse fulfilled key elements of their post or delegated them
  • Patronage
    -gave E loyal and reliable men
    -gave her control over her political nation
    -helped to support faction system as her closest advisors did influence some of her favours
    -Elizabeth ensured that there was more than one route to advancement also factionalism was supported
    -many decisions and appointments appeared to be unjust
    -the system didn't always ensure that the best ability was channelled to the appropriate jobs
    -those out of favour were left bitter and jealous
    -huge profits from monopolies worsened the economy and were particularly unpopular
  • Key issues discussed in PC
    1562- E ill with smallpox, met to discuss succession- parliament held up 1560 subsidy bill, failed to make decision as they were divided, E dissolved parliament
    1566- E's marriage, factional rivalry between Leicester and Sussex- Leicester opposed match with Archduke Charles- E encouraged diff groups to disagree to weaken power of PC
    1568- MQS, council adamant E wouldn't restore her to the throne of scotland or let her leave england without a trial- E agreed with them, she attended some council meetings in order to press her pov
  • key issues discussed in PC
    1572- Massacre of St Bartholomew reached England, Catholic invasion feared , French envoy considered E did nothing without support of her council
    1573- Francis Walsingham became member of the council, council generally unified, disagreement with E herself
    1576- Aiding Dutch Rebels, Leicester proposed sending them military aid, eventually council wore Queen down- aid agreed in 1584
  • key issues discussed in PC
    1579- E marriage to Alencon issue, Leicester and Walsingham attempt to influence E by public protests, council was divided- 7 opposed marriage, E withdrew
    1584- assassination of William of Orange, Burghley and Walsingham drew up the Instrument of an association for Preservation of her majesty's Royal Persons'

    1587- Death Warrant passed for MQS, council united on execution, E delayed as long as she could
  • Factional Rivalry- DUDLEY VS HOWARD
    1555-60 Dudley accused Sussex of misconduct and w=there was rumours Dudley had killed his wife
    -E was close to Dudley and could be dragged into scandal, they threatened to duel eachother
    -E says she wont marry Dudley
  • Factional Rivalry- R. CECIL VS ESSEX

    dispute over idea of E's patronage, E favoured Cecil for political vacancies
    -Essex has association with an aggressive foreign policy, Cecil becomes scapegoat for most problems
    -Essex executed to end threat, narrow and weak PC, dominance of Cecil's faction
  • Factional Rivalry- W. CECIL VS DUDLEY
    1567-proposed marriage to Archduke Charles
    -Dudley not want her to marry him, but Cecil, Sussex and Norfolk do
    -E makes final decision to reject proposal
    1569-70 MQS
    -Dudley undermined support of MQS' claim to throne. Norfolk planned 'secret' marriage to MQS
    -takes no advice and procrastinates, Norfolk's plot is uncovered and he backs down
  • Factional Rivalry- W. CECIL VS DUDLEY
    1578- aid to Dutch Rebels, Walsingham and Leicester want to aid them., Cecil not
    -Cecil seemed to give select info to E so she'd favour him, Walsingham deliberately kept her uniformed to support Dudley
    -E took 7 years to decide, Walsingham had slipper thrown at him for lying
    1579-81- Proposed marriage to Alencon
    -public hostility to match whipped up by Dudley and Walsingham, she's forced to reject marriage
    -E threatened to create four more Catholiv