
Cards (25)

  • Guru
    A teacher, guide, expert or master
  • Guru
    • Spreads the Hindu teachings
    • Provides advice, counselling, and spiritual guidance to Hindus
  • Guru
    In Hinduism, gurus are considered teachers or spiritual guides
  • Gurus
    • They are revered people who pass knowledge of the scriptures and the Hindu faith on to worshippers
    • They are experienced people who provide spiritual knowledge and counsel people during challenging moments in their lives
    • They show how to follow a truly Hindu way of life
  • Guru
    The one who removes mental and spiritual darkness with his teachings and conduct
  • Student Stage (Ashrama)

    1. Knowledge of the Vedas was personally transmitted through oral teachings from the guru to his pupil
    2. The pupil lived at the home of his guru and served him with obedience and devotion
  • This is still prevalent in rural areas of India today
  • Guru
    The source and inspirer of the knowledge of the Self, the essence of reality, for one who seeks
  • In the past, gurus were the main source of spiritual knowledge to people, because only they possessed the secret knowledge of the Vedas and other scriptures
  • Today, much of that knowledge is in public domain, and one can get it from many sources
  • Our reliance upon gurus has become redundant as far as basic knowledge is concerned
  • Role of the guru in the modern world
    • Globalisation has extended the guru's reach into environments where they may be a stranger, and where the religion, purpose, and status of the guru is poorly understood
    • Many gurus are now public figures, their lives are open for public scrutiny as those of celebrities, politicians and popular figures
    • Their teachings are also publicly available through many sources and mediums
  • Guru
    • More than a teacher, a reverential figure to the disciple or student
    • A counsellor, who helps mould values, and shares experiential knowledge as well as literal knowledge
    • A counselor, and a sort of parent of the mind and Self (Atman)
    • An exemplar in life, an inspirational source who reveals the meaning of life and helps in the spiritual evolution of each student
    • A spiritual guide, who helps one to discover the same potentialities that the guru has already realized
  • Guru
    The one who "dispels the darkness of ignorance"
  • Guru
    • Helps continue the religion and Hindu way of life
  • The Vedic texts are now assessable to all, but it does not mean everyone interprets or understands them effectively
  • Tantric spiritual texts are often codified in an obscure twilight language so that it cannot be understood by anyone without the verbal explanation of a qualified teacher or guru
  • Advantages of following a guru
    • He may give you spiritual advice, which is specific to your personal needs
    • He may protect you from your own negative karma, and from evil influences of the world
    • When you are initiated, your guru gives you a guru-mantra, which can help you to focus your mind and engage in spiritual practice
    • He may clarify your doubts, correct your mistakes, resolve your karma, guide you in the practice of self-discipline and purification, serve as an example for others to follow, bestow his grace upon you and provide you with knowledge and clarification
  • Guru-Mantra

    A mantra that a guru gives to a disciple, who then chants the mantra for his/her spiritual growth
  • Sadhu
    A holy man, seen as living embodiments of the divine and what human life is really about
  • Sadhu
    • Solely dedicated to achieving mokṣa (liberation), the fourth and final aśrama (stage of life), through meditation and contemplation of Brahman
  • Sadhvis
    The female form of Sadhu
  • Practices of Sadhus

    • Extreme asceticism
    • Praying
    • Chanting
    • Meditating
  • There are two primary sectarian divisions within the sadhu community: Shaiva sadhus, ascetics devoted to Shiva, and Vaishnava sadhus, renouncers devoted to Vishnu and/or his incarnations, which include Rama and Krishna
  • The ruggedness of the sadhu life deters many from following the sadhu path. Such practices as the obligatory early morning bath in the cold mountains require a detachment from common luxuries