Personal deities

Cards (7)

  • Personal deities
    Most Hindus prefer a personal deity whose powers are easier to understand than those of a Supreme (for less) Being. They refer to God as bhagwan and also choose personal deities for whom they have a natural affection, or they consider relevant to their daily lives. They believe they are under the protection of one particular god.
  • Personal deities

    • Some Hindus prefer a fierce personal deity such as Durga, while others choose calmer images such as the baby Krishna.
  • Worship at the family shrine
    1. Family murtis are washed, have their clothes changed regularly, are offered food as a sign of love and care, and are decorated with flowers
    2. Photographs of grandparents, wise teachers or faithful friends who have died are also put in the family shrine
    3. A bell is rung to tell the deity when the worshippers are ready
  • Home shrines

    • Have to be in the cleanest room in the house
    • Dawn is often the time for worship
    • The sound (and symbol) of God, OM, should be the first word uttered each day
  • Swastika
    • Was often used as a Hindu symbol of the sun and prosperity in ancient times
    • Its crooked branches (which face the opposite way to the Nazi swastika) point out from the centre, symbolising that the human mind is unable to comprehend directly the truths about Brahman
    • The swastika points in every direction, showing how God is present in every place and form of life
  • The Hindu swastika symbol points in every direction, showing how God is present in every place and form of life
  • When you first saw the swastika symbol you might have thought of Nazi Germany. It is helpful to teach yourself to look at evidence carefully before making hasty judgements