Judaism key concepts

Cards (13)

  • Aron Hakodesh
    The holy Ark containing the Torah scrolls
  • The Aron Hakodesh faces Jerusalem
  • Kashrut
    • The body of Jewish law dealing with what foods can and cannot be eaten
    • The word 'Kashrut' means fit, proper or correct
  • Kippah
    • A cap worn by Jewish boys and men during services
    • Some Jews wear the Kippah at all times, it reminds them of God's presence
  • Ner Tamid
    'Eternal light', a lamp constantly lit above the Ark which symbolises God's presence
  • Omnibenevolence
    The state of being all-loving and infinitely good - a characteristic attributed to God
  • Omnipotence
    The all-powerful, almighty and unlimited nature of God
  • Orthodox
    • A major branch of Judaism which adheres faithfully to principles and practices of traditional Judaism
    • They believe the law of the Torah is eternal and unchanging
  • Rabbi
    • A religious teacher and leader with authority to make decisions on issues surrounding Jewish law
    • The Rabbi is the chief religious leader in a synagogue and leads services and ceremonies
  • Reform
    • A major branch of Judaism that embraces diversity of Jewish law interpretations
    • They believe that Jewish law is inspired by God and Jews can decide which laws to follow
  • Shabbat
    • Day of spiritual renewal and rest
    • Beginning sunset on Friday and ending sunset on Saturday
  • Shema
    • A prayer declaring Jewish faith, said by Jews twice daily
    • It states there is only one God
    • It is often placed in the Mezuzah case and tefillin
  • Synagogue
    House of assembly, a place for Jewish public prayer and study