Class struggle has arisen due to property ownership and has existed throughout history.
Capitalism will eventually leave only a tiny ruling class benefiting
Vast majority of the working class will achieve class consciousness
State and society use religion, Patriotism, parliament and social reforms to weaken class consciousness and the mission to overthrow capitalism
socialism is inevitable
After the Bourgeoisie are overthrown the state will wither away and a stateless communist society will emerge.
Humans are altruistic however also malleable and have been moulded by capitalism.
capitalism musty be completely destroyed
the state is temporary
capitalism is inefficient and should be replaced by an economy where resources are collectively owned and distributed based on need.
Focus on social class
common humanity: humans prefer to cooperate rather than compete and will work for the commongood. economic competition is wasteful and creates hostility.
equality of outcome is impossible in a capitalist society
revolution needed to remove the state and capitalism
no form of equality is possible under capitalism
Marx: Class can only be eradicated through revolution and removal of capitalism. the working class are alienated from their labour due to industrialisation and the fact upper classes keep the profits.
Marxs Historical materialism: history is driven by economic factors as it shapes the rest of the state and society. it leads to a series of class conflicts that eventually result in a communist revolution, the withering away of the state and the end of history (no more class conflicts)
less economically developed societies shouldn't have to suffer through the historical stages until the revolution occurred and needed a vanguard to guide the working class
Human nature has been damaged by capitalism.
evolutionary socialism is impossible
argued for a new democracy with common ownership after the revolution.
Beatrice webb:
rejection of the revolution, violence will make situation worse, gradual evolution is preferable.
poverty and inequality more likely to be eradicated through trade unions and state intervention.
Webb (not key strand but key thinker democratic socialism):
Nationalisation, clause 4
charity and paternalism isn't a solution
harness universal suffrage to overthrow capitalism
believe the state must develop elite of admins to run industry
Antony Crossland, social democracy:
mixed economy and managed capitalism
Keynesian economies could enjoy permanent growth.
social equality and justice was the focus.
delivered comprehensive education
reduction in class not eradication.
state can be reformed, a large state is needed to manage services
reforms aimed to reduce class conflict and inequality
humanity needs to be guided by the state
Antony Giddens:
untamed capitalism is corrosive to communities and fraternity
capitalism has the power to empower individuals and moves people out of poverty
individuals are unable to develop due to capitalism and are influenced by economic and cultural elites
socialists must accept the free market
the free market is needed to generate the wealth to fund public services.
"Hand up not hand out"
active welfare (targeting those who need it most)
Aimed to avoid high taxation
spending priorities are on infrastructure
citizens are stakeholders in society
the Neo liberal laize faire economy is more efficient than any socialist model