Cards (10)

  • who argues ewt can be improved through better interview techniques?
    Fisher + Geiselman
  • What are the 4 cognitive interview techniques?
    Report everything
    Reinstate the context
    Reverse the order
    Change perspective
  • report everything
    The interviewer encourages the witness to report all details about the event, even though these details may seem unimportant.
  • reinstate the context
    Return to original crime scene in their mind and imagine the environment. Images should act as retrieval cues
  • reverse the order
    Recall events backwards. Prevents witnesses from making assumptions about what happened based on knowledge of usual order
  • change perspective
    witnesses should recall incident from other peoples perspectives. done to eliminate bias
  • name 2 elements of the enhanced cognitive interview
    - not distracting interviewee with qs
    - encouraged to use i don't know
  • AO3: strength
    - some elements of the full CI are useful
    - Milne + Bull found that each individual element was equally valuable, producing more info than standard interviews
    - the combo of report everything and context reinstatement produced better recall than any other elements individually
  • AO3: Weakness
    - may be time consuming
    - requires training - time and money
    - first step witnesses may recall irrelevant info and the interviewer cant stop them due to fluidity
  • AO3: Weakness
    - increases inaccurate info aswell as accutrate
    - rate of inaccurate info increases as accurate increases
    - Kohnken et al found an 81% increase in correct info but also as 62% increase in inaccurate info