Cards (7)

  • what is post event discussion?

    When co-witnesses to a crime discuss it with each other
  • Gabbert et al (2003)

    *each participant watched a video of the same crime, but from different angles
    *participants then discussed what they had seen, before individually completing a recall test.
  • results
    71% of participants incorrectly recalled aspects of the event they couldn't have seen.
  • why do witnesses go along with each other
    for social approval or because they believe othere have a better memory
  • AO3: Weakness
    - use of artificial materials
    - video is not reflective of real life factors
    - other researchers have found that witnesses of a real armed robbery had accurate recall even after 7 months
  • AO3: Weakness
    - Gabberts research lacks external validity
    - foster et al argues that recall as an eyewitness has real world consequences unlike studies
    - real eyewitnesses search their memory with more effort due to the chance of a successful conviction
  • AO3: strength
    - such research into misleading info has real life applications
    - important practical use for police
    - loftus said police need to be careful as research into ewt can make a difference in the legal system