Cards (15)

  • explanation for forgetting in?

  • what does the theory state?
    that we cannot retrieve info from ltm if we don't have the appropriate context or clues
  • what do brown and mcneill refer to it as?
    tip of the tongue phenomenon
  • who discovered ESP?
    endel tulving
  • what does ESP stand for
    encodings specificity prinicipal
  • What is it?
    the way you remember something is influenced by how you officially learned it
  • what are cues?
    a trigger of information that allows us to access a memory and they may be meaningful or indirectly linked by being encoded at the time of learning
  • what are the two types of forgetting
    context dependant + state dependant
  • context dependant forgetting?
    tendency to forget things out of context and recall easier when in original context
  • state dependant forgetting?
    when recall depends on an internal cue (state of mind) e.g drunk sleepy anxious
  • Godden + Baddeley (1975) deep sea divers
    - deep sea divers learned a list of words either underwater or on land
    - 4 conditions -
    - learn on land recall on land
    - learn in water recall in water
    - learn on land recall on water
    - learn in water recall on land
  • results?
    accurate recall was 40% lower in nin-matching conditions
  • AO3: strength
    - context related cues have useful everyday applications
    - retrieving something in different rooms but forgetting until they return
    - further real life app - police context reinstatement
  • AO3: strength
    - range of evidence supporting this explanation
    - deep sea divers
    - some researchers argue its the main reason of forgetting
    - increasing validity of explanation
  • AO3: Weakness
    - context effects aren't really strong in real life
    - baddely argued contexts have to be very different before and effect can be seen
    - learning something in one room and retrieving in another is unlikely retreibal failure as the 2 environments aren't different enough