Cards (16)

  • what does the wmm explain
    short term memory
  • what are the 4 main components of the wmm
    central executive
    phonological loop
    visuo-spatial sketchpad
    episodic buffer
  • what does the central executive do
    directs attention to particular tasks and controls the 2 sub systems (phonological loop, visuo-spatial sketchpad)
  • what is the coding and capacity
    very limited
  • what does the phonological loop do

    processes info in terms of sound
  • what are the two subsystems of the phonological loop
    phonological store - words you hear
    articulory process (inner voice) - allows maintenance rehearsal
  • what is the coding and capacity
    2 seconds
  • what is the visio spatial sketchpad
    processes visual and spatial information, contributes to understanding of visual semantics
  • what is the coding and capacity
    3/4 objects
  • what is the episodic buffer
    - Brings together material from other subsystems into a single memory.
    - Provides a bridge between working memory and long-term memory.
  • whats the coding and capacity
    4 chunks
  • clinical evidence?
    shallice and warringtons 1970 case study
    - kf suffered from amnesia
    - kfs stm for digits was poor when the researcher read it out but was higher when he read it to himself
    - the phonological loop was damaged
  • Baddeley et al

    studies of dual task performance support the separate existence of the visio spatial sketchpad
    - showed that ps had more difficulty doing 2 visual tasks than visual and verbal - overloads capacity
  • AO3: strength
    - PET scans have shown different areas of the brain are activated when doing verbal and visual tasks
    - many brain scan studies have involved Ps doing tasks that require the CE whilst having a brain scan
    - activity has been shown to increase in the prefrontal cortex as tasks get harder
  • AO3: Weakness
    - lacks clarity over the CE
    - psychologists criticise it as they believe it doesn't really explain everything
    - should be explained in more detail and could have more components
  • AO3: Weakness
    - only explains stm
    - doesn't describe other important stores
    - not an overall explanation compared to msm