Cards (15)

  • what is anxiety
    the physiological arousal in the body
  • how does it have a negative effect on ewt
    prevents us paying attention to important cues resulting in worse recall
  • what does the tunnel theory of memory say
    a witnesses attention narrows to focus on a weapon because its a source of anxiety (weapon focus effect)
  • Johnson and Scott (1976)

    - they led participants to believe they were going to be part of a lab study.
    - while seated in a waiting room participants heard an argument next door.
    - in the 'low anxiety' condition a man walked though the door carrying a greasy pen.
    - in the 'high anxiety' group saw a man with a bloody knife.
  • results
    - 49% of the 'low anxiety' group identified the man
    - 33% of the 'high anxiety' group identified the man.
  • Pickle study
    anxiety or surprise
    Ps were surprised at the raw chicken - better recall
  • how does anxiety have a positive effect on recall?
    triggers our fight or flight which increases alertness + improves memory so we become more aware of cues
  • Yuillie & Cutshall (1986)
    -13 witnesses interviewed after a real life shooting in a gun shop (owner injured and thief shot dead)
    -witnesses very accurate on detail after several months
    -leading questions had no effect
    -most distressed at the time gave the most accurate details
  • results
    - most stressed - 88% accuracy
    - least stressed - 75% accuracy
  • who proposed the U theory
    Yerkes + Dodson
  • what did they say
    the relationship between emotional arousal and performance looks like an inverted U
  • how did deffenbecher apply it to ewt
    after reaching + surpassing optimum arousal level, recall becomes worse and affects memory
  • AO3: Weakness
    - ethical issues on the research area
    - creating anxiety in Ps is unethical, psychological harm
    - better options may be interviewing people who have already witnessed an event
    - no need to create a false situation and cause psychological stress
  • AO3: Weakness
    - weapon focus effect may not be relevant as johnson and scott study may be relevant to surprise
    - focused on weapon due to surprise not shock
    - pickle study
  • AO3: Weakness
    - field studies lack control of variables
    - recalling after an event witnesses may have had ped, effected memory or read news reports
    - PED + substitution explanation
    - extraneous variables may be responsible for inaccuracy of recall