likertrating scales - limitedresponses in a quantitative format giving quantitative data. they use bipolar scale and participants respond to a given statement
Designing interviews and questionnaires - avoiding complex terminology
Participants may not understand the terms used and if feeling to embarrassed to ask for an explanation, or unable to in a questionnaire they may guess the meaning resulting in inaccurate responses.
Designing interviews and questionnaires - rewording questions
Using a skilled interviewer means questions that participants don't understand can be reworded, this should be in a way that doesn'tchange the questions meaning so responses can be compared to other participants.
Designing interviews and questionnaires - leadingquestions
These bias the responses in one direction. To avoid this questions should be written in a way that doesn't suggest a 'correct way' of responding.
Designing interviews and questionnaires - pilotingquestions
Running a smallscale version of the interview or questionnaire can identify questions that are confusing, give away the aim or don't produce a useful/detailed response. These can then be changed before the larger-scale study.