celebration- christmas and easter + importance

Cards (8)

  • what is christmas?
    it celebrates the incarnation and birth of jesus. when god came to earth in human form. celebrated on 25th december - the nativity.
  • what is easter?
    remembers the crucifixion and resurrection of jesus. good friday is when jesus was crucified and then on easter sunday he rose from the dead (resurrection)
  • give 7 importances for christians
    jesus is the central figure in christianity, celebrating his birth is important, god has become incarnate in the world, without jesus there is no salvation, it marks the start of the christian religion, a special time to focus on god and be thankful, christmas brings people together- reminder of what is important in life.
  • give 6 importances of easter
    on good friday jesus dies as a sacrifice for the sings of humanity- atonement, without easter there is no salvation, on easter sunday jesus rises from the dead-conquering death + sin and giving people eternal life, easter gives hope of redemption and an afterlife, easter allows you to focus on god and be thankful, easter brings people together- reminder of what is important in life.
  • finish the quote: "if christ has not been raised .......... .......... ... .........."
    your faith is futile.
  • finish the quote: "christmas reveals the immense ......... ... ..... ..... .........."
    love of god for humanity.
  • Easter
    • Important because of what is being celebrated (salvation and eternal life)
    • Gives Christians 'evidence' about Jesus, essential for demonstrating his identity as Son of God
    • Has not become as commercialised as Christmas, focus remains on Jesus/God
  • reasons why christmas is more important than easter
    the incarnation is more significant- if jesus had not been born, god wouldn't have entered the world. without christmas easter wouldn't have happened so everything on easter depends on christmas. christmas is more about giving to others, coming together and thinking of the less fortunate, which is putting faith into action.