-he was the first to offer a scientific and objective approach to understanding criminality
-pre this, criminality seen as a moral or religious problem
-new outlook on why people commit crimes
What was one weakness of Lombroso's study?
-could be considered racist
-some of the stigmata's he identified, including darkskin, felt nose, sloping forehead, which creates a stereotype against criminals
What is another weakness of Lombroso's study?
- failed to compare his results to a controlgroup of non-criminals
-important to use a controlgroup as you need something to compare your results to
-we can't generalise upon his findings.
What was one strength of Sheldon's study?
- findings have been replicated by other studies
-Glueck's study found that 60% of offenders they studied were mesomorphic which means that Sheldon's explanation can be considered reliable.
What is one weakness of Sheldon's and Lombroso's study?
they don't consider environmentalfactors such as upbringing, socialization, media which may explain why people commit crimes
What is another strength of Sheldon's study?
-he found that the most delinquent and deviantoffenders were mostly mesomorphic in bodyshape.
-this increases the validity of physiologicaltheories.
What is a strength of the brain injury study?
-brain injuries can be seen to cause someone's personality and behavior to change
-e.g. PhineasGage - damaged pre-frontalcortex made him more delinquent
-adds validity to the claim that brain injuries cause criminality
What is a weakness of the biochemical study?
-research shows testosterone does notgreatly affect aggression in men
-biochemicalexplanations lack validity to support their arguments
What is one strength of the twins study?
-later twinstudies have found a correlation between genetics and crime
-e.g. Ishikawa and Raine's study they found a correlation between MZtwins and crime
-This means the genetic theory is more reliable
What is one weakness of the twin study?
-twins often live in the same home
-difficult to understand whether crime is genetic or due to environmental factors
What is another weakness of the twin study?
-evidence could be argued as weak
-In Christiansen's study the concordance rate for MZ twins was only 35% for males
-highernumber of twins don't share a concordance, meaning the genetic theory is less likely to be true
What is one strength of the adoption studies?
-bring validity to the argument that crime is inherited
-studying adopted children proves genetic theory as they are in differentenvironments but still both end up committing crimes, like their biological parents
What is one weakness of the adoption studies?
-adopted children are often placed in the sameenvironment as their birth family
-children are growing up with the samenorms and values making it difficult to disprove the nature theory
What is one strength of the XYY study?
-evidence found of violentoffenders with this syndrome in prison
-adds validity to genetic argument
What is one weakness of the XYY study?
-XYY males often have a lower intelligence - hence they are morelikely to be caught
-This suggests XYY syndrome doesn'tcause criminality, just makes them morelikely to be caught
What is another weakness of the XYY study?
-Doesn't explain whywomen commit crimes
-raresyndrome - doesn't explain why the majority commit crimes