Liberalism key thinkers

Cards (15)

  • Key thinkers include:
    John Locke: Classical
    John Stuart Mill: bridge but largely classical
    Mary Wollstonecraft: Modern
    John Rawls: Modern
    Betty Friedan: Modern
  • Locke:
    The state is created by the social contract and is a government of consent.
    before the state there was a state of nature with natural liberties that shouldn't be encroached.
  • Locke:
    the state of law would resolve disputes more equitably that the state of nature.
    religious and societal tolerance.
    limited state to prevent abuse of power. "nightwatchman state" "where there is no law there is no freedom"
  • Locke:
    Aim of law is to preserve and enlarge freedoms.
    Mechanical theory: man is rational and capable to establish a state that meets the needs of citizens.
    the state is an artificial creation.
    state should protect "life, property and liberty"
  • Mary Wollstonecraft:
    a vindication of the rights of women.
    positive view of human nature as rational: men and women equally rational but one denied foundational equality.
    all citizens should enjoy equality under the law to ensure freedoms.
  • Mary Wollstonecraft:
    argued for formal education of women and argued women were complicit in their discrimination.
  • John Stuart Mill:
    Negative freedom and the Harm Principal
    negative freedom= the absence of restraint (stating things a person cannot do not stating what they can't)
    liberty is an engine to development
  • Mill:
    Developmental individualism
    fear of tyranny of the majority (only educated should be able to vote)
    role of government is to pass laws that cause the most happiness after minimising all the unhappiness.
  • Mill:
    Tolerance (popularity of a view doesn't mean its correct)
    Free speech, religion and thought
    state has a moral obligation to educate individuals
  • Mill:
    classical arguments he proposed:
    state interference limits individual development
    state shouldn't be overburdened
    state intervention damages the economy
  • Modern arguments Mill proposed:
    State should provide public services (clean air, water and defence along with education and basic welfare)
    state has extra responsibility to protect freedom.
    some economic regulation is required (e.g working hours)
  • John Rawls:
    Veil of ignorance: everyone agrees to an enabling state if they were in a position of ignorance.
    Welfare state
    equality of opportunity
    social and economic equality as well as foundational equality
  • Rawls:
    Progressive taxation
    doesn't wish to remove the gap between the rich and poor simply allow those in poverty to improve and develop.
  • Betty Friedan:
    argued for individual freedom and developmental individualism.
    women seriously discriminated and this hinders their potential.
  • Friedan:
    Women discriminated and this hinders their development.
    state should enable equality of opportunity to allow women to achieve their potential.