Cards (9)

  • what is interference
    memories become mixed up and confused with other memories
  • what are the 2 factors that can affect interference
    - similarity of info
    - time between learning info
  • what are the 2 types of interference
  • What is retroactive interference?
    new information interferes with old information
  • What is proactive interference?

    Older Memories interferes with the new
  • baddely et al rugby players study
    - rugby players were asked to recall names of teams they had played
    - one group had played the whole season
    - one played at the start, end but missed some in the middle
    - the players that missed soke games had recalled more
    - the number of the games played was found to impact on memory and causing interference
  • AO3: strength
    - real life studies have supported the interference explanation
    - baddely + hitch study
    - shows it can be applied to everyday situations
  • AO3: Weakness
    - use of artificial materials in some studies ]
    - use of word lists aren't reflective of remembering daily things like how to get to work
    - lab studies do not reflect everyday forgetting
  • AO3: Weakness
    - interference can be overcome by using cues
    - studies have given categorical lists to recall
    - recall was high for first few lists (70%) but descreased at each list
    - however given the category recall rose