Max weber week 4

Cards (8)

  • Rationalisation
    A process of disenchantment, removal of irrational elements such as mystery, emotions, affectivity, to be replaced by rational calculation
  • Power and domination
    The probability that a command with a given specific content will be obeyed by a given group of persons
  • Types of social action
    • Instrumentally rational (taking into account the end, the means and any secondary results)
    • Value rational (oriented towards ultimate view e.g. praying)
    • Affectual (becomes meaningful when it has an aim outside itself)
    • Traditional (reactions to habitual stimuli which affects behaviour)
  • Protestantism emphasising stricter self-discipline in personal behaviour
  • Properties of bureaucracy (ideal type according to Weber)

    • Fixed area of activity
    • Hierarchical organisation
    • Written documents
    • Training and expertise needed especially for certain jobs
    • Those in official positions are devoted to this work
    • There are 6 general views for the management, which can be learned by others
  • Division of labor in bureaucracy

    The division of labor is one of the six general views, or principles, of bureaucracy as outlined by Max Weber. It refers to the way in which tasks and responsibilities are divided into specialized areas within a bureaucracy. This allows for a high degree of efficiency and expertise, as individuals are able to focus on their specific areas of responsibility and become highly skilled in their roles. It also helps to ensure that tasks are completed efficiently and effectively, and promotes accountability.
  • Bureaucracy a system a government
  • Protestantism
    A major branch of Christianity that emerged in the 16th century as a result of various religious reforms, emphasizing stricter self-discipline in personal behavior.