Cards (13)

  • episodic memory
    type of long term memory for events from our lives that are related to time and place
  • declarative?
    available for conscious inspection
  • which ESP is non declarative
  • semantic memory
    memory for knowledge about the world
  • is it declarative
  • procedural memory
    memories on how to do things
  • describe the clinical evidence
    his episodic memory was damaged - couldn't remember his children but knew he had them
    procedural memory intact - can still play piano
  • describe Tulving's neuro imaging evidence
    - 6 volunteers were injected with a small amount of gold which was scanned to detect its location
    - each pefromed 8 tasks lasting 80s
    - 4 semantic + 4 episodic tasks
  • where was the increases activity for the episodic tasks
    right prefrontal cortex
  • what was the increase in activity for semantic tasks

    left prefrontal cortex
  • AO3: strength
    - brain scan studies show there are different ltm stores
    - tulvings exp
    - different areas activated for each memory
  • AO3: strength
    - episodic memory is supported by clinical evidence
    - clive wearing
    procedural memories intact
  • AO3: Weakness
    - problems with using case studies
    - amnesia patients are unique
    - no control over confounding variables
    - difficult to generalise