Cards (38)

  • Jafari’s Tourism Platforms
    1. Advocacy platform
    2. Cautionary platform
    3. Adaptancy platform
    4. Knowledge-based platform
    5. Social justice platform
  • Advocacy Platform
    • sees tourism as good
    • celebrates tourism’s positive impacts
    • sees “tourism as an instrument for achieving national development”
  • Theories under Advocacy Platform:
    Modernization theory
    Trickle-down theory
  • Mass tourism
    has negative impacts but can be minimized or avoided with “alternative tourism”
  • Two Sets of Alternative Tourism:
    1. Oriented to the environment
    2. Oriented to society
  • Cautionary Platform
    • views tourism as bad
    • decries the negative impacts of mass tourism
    • creates dependency and economic leakages based on critics
  • Theories under Cautionary Platform:
    • Dependency theory
    • Irritation index
  • Holistic perspective
    impacts, forms, underlying structures and functions of tourism.
  • Social Justice Platform
    embraces “participatory processes involving equality, pro-poor planning; gender sensitivity;
    responsiveness to diversity”
  • Laissez Faire Theory

    assumes that an industry will function best when it is left solely to market forces.
  • Modernization Theory
    assumes that tourism contributes to the economic progress/assumes that tourism improves the standard of living through technology transfer.
  • Trickle-down Theory

    any form of economic growth will lead to the improvement of the living conditions of all.
  • Neoliberal Theory
    economy functions best when there is minimal government intervention.
  • Dependency Theory
    states that tourism can worsen the plight of Third World countries/sees tourism as creating dependencies.
  • International tourism
    a form of modern-day colonialism.
  • Irridex Model

    states that residents’ attitudes toward tourism will deteriorate
  • social carrying capacity
    the ability of residents of a destination to tolerate and manage the social effects of tourism.
    1. No Planning
    2. Ad-hoc Planning
    3. Integrated Tourism Planning
  • 4. Boosterism
    sees tourism as a positive force for economic
    development; maximizes tourism revenues.
  • Boosterist Approaches
    • product-led;
    • market-led;
    • state-led;
    • industry-led; or
    • public or private sector-led
  • Product-led Development
    “Build it and they will come.”/to provide infrastructure, facilities, and amenities to tourists.
  • Demand-led Approach
    “Know the customers and satisfy them.”/specifications of tourists.
  • Bureaucratic/Government-led Approach

    Government uses various types of policy instruments e.g. Advocacy: strategic plans
  • Two Types of Bureaucratic Approaches:
    1. Central planning approach - National-level agencies carry out all functions.
    2. Devolved planning approach - LGUs assume control of tourism planning and development.
  • 5. Middle Path Approach

    Strict controls are imposed on the types and volume of tourism.
  • 6. Environmental Approaches

    considered for tourism development is endowed with natural attractions of outstanding beauty.
  • Carrying capacity
    the maximum number of people that may visit a tourist destination without causing destruction.
  • Physical carrying capacity
    the maximum number of tourists that can fit on a site at any given time and still enable people to move.
  • 7. Ecotourism Approach

    a form of sustainable tourism within a natural and cultural heritage area where community participation... are fostered and pursued.
  • 8. Social Approaches
    emphasizes the role of stakeholders in the tourism process.
  • Participatory/Stakeholder Approach
    each relevant stakeholder has a say in the deliberation and decision-making process.
  • Stakeholders
    groups of people or entities that have​ an interest in tourism development
  • Community-based Tourism (CBT)

    tourism that is owned and/or managed by communities and intended to deliver wider community benefit.
  • Pro-poor Approach

    tourism that generates net benefits for the poor.
  • Fair Trade Tourism (FTT)

    contributes to sustainable development by offering better trading conditions.​
  • Sustainable Tourism Approach
    tourism that takes full account of its current and future economic,...
  • ​Tourism Development Continuum
    Laissez Faire - resource exploitation
  • Deep Ecology - total preservation of the environment itself