'world is a gift which we freely received and must share with others'
Genesis creation stories humans are given authority to rule over living things
(b) Describe Catholic Teachings shown in Michaelangelo creation of adam
Adam 'laidback' with arm resting on kneereaching out to God suggesting he isnt fully alive which shows that humans need God to give them life
God reaches out to the more passive figure of Adam because he loves him, reflecting the christianbelief that God loves the world.
Touch of the fingertips represents the spark of life given to all humans by God - the idea that human life is sacred and given by God
Cloud could represent the brain to show that God is the source of all knowledge making him omniscient
(b) Describe St Augustine's teaching about the origin of the universe
'from nothing, then, you created heaven from earth'
God created the world out of nothing
God is solely responsible for everything that exists
(b) two ways in which the work of CAFOD reflects Catholic teaching about human dignity
Work across the world to tackle injustice and poverty
Work with communities to bring about sustainable development
Fundraising in school and churches
(b) two of the symbols from the 'tree of life' apse mosaic in St Clemente in Rome represent
The Lamb - middle lamb has a halo which represents Jesus the lamb of God. Jesus is the lamb of God because he saved humanity from sin and death.
The Dove - 12doves represent the apostles. Doves are the symbol of the holyspirit and bring good news to those who believe.
Christian Abortion
If mother doesn't want baby she can put it up for adoption
All life is sacred however abortion is allowed if:
Christian Abortion
If mother doesn't want baby she can put it up for adoption
All life is sacred however abortion is allowed if:
Mother's life is in danger
Mother has been raped
Child is likely to be disabled
Jewish abortion
God is solecreator, giver, taker of life
taught that humans are created in the image of God and life is precious
Ten commandments forbid the taking of life
Humanist abortion
Does not consider life as sacred (but it is special)
Unborn baby is not a person until well after conception
Promote adoption might bring happiness to all
Support safe abortion
PeterSinger - life begins at conception however life is biological and embryos are not persons. A human must be able to reason, hope, makemoralchoices.
Catholic SOHL
Everything exists because God created it
Human life is special / sacred
Humans are made in the image of God
Humans have freedom to make moral choices
Christian SOHL
Human life is special because each person is unique
Human life is sacred and a gift from God
Catholic care of creation
Stewardship - Protecting the planet for future generations.
Given caretaking role in relation to looking after the planet
Humanist care for creation
seek good life because its the only one they have
population and overcrowding seen as a threat to life on earth
Growing population increases the demand for food, water, shelter and fuel
Jewish care for creation
Tikkunolan (healing the world) - jewish responsibility to make the world a betterplace, not wasting or destroyingenvironment
Torah - soldiers are told not to destroy trees therefore jews dont believe in harming the environment or causing pollution
Christian / Fundamentalist OOTU
Genesis 1 and 2 is factual and are historical accounts of what happened
The universe was created in six days
Eve was created from Adam's rib exactly as it says in the Bible
Reject scientific theories
Christian Evolution
science conflicts with genesis
actions of the creator God brought about all life
large variety of life forms appeared at the same time as creation
Catholic Evolution
Accept the idea of evolution but disagree with the idea that humans are not special and that all life is developed by chance
God created humans with a purpose and part of his loving, even if it was through the Big Bang
Non-religious Evolution
Charles Darwin - taught that species with useful variations evolved
Humanbeings descended from ape all the way to a simple bacteria
Richard Dawkins - supports Darwin's theory on evolution. Evolution and naturalselection explain the origin of the universe much better than the idea of a Creator God
Inspiration - 'God breathed' belief that the spirit of God guides an individual to act or write what is good and true
Stewardship - the duty of care for creation responsibly as stewards rather than consumers.
Free will - decision making part of a person's mind and the ability to choose right from wrong.
Goodness - the quality of being like God and seeking the well-being of others selflessly
Natural Law - The moral laws of right and wrongdiscoverable in all human beings