Every deed, every decision, every thought a Muslim should think, make and implement</b>
The Five Pillars of Islam
Shahada (Testimony of faith/Islam)
Salat (Establishment of Prayers)
Zacat (Obligatory Charity)
Saum (Fast of Ramadan)
Hajj (Pilgrimage to Mecca)
Intends to become a Muslim should pronounce the "Shahada" without delay
Jihad should not be interpreted as bloody war only, but any expression of preserving the Good and destroying the destroyer of Good (evil)
Jihad also means conversion by sword (HOLY WAR)
Women's place in Islam
Household, discouraged to nag, expected to submit wholly to her husband and follow his counsel
If a wife is barren, it is necessary for the husband to look for a second wife under certain conditions
Blessed Virgin Mary
Exemplary woman and wife, a Muslim
Islam believes in one God and Mohammed as prophet, the sanctity of sacred scriptures the QUR AN, and in resurrection and life everlasting
Derived from the Arabic root ḥ-d-th, signifying "to happen," "to occur," or "to come to pass", encompasses meanings like "conversation," "discussion," "speech," "small talk"
Teachings from Hadiths
Good education
Speak always the truth
Share and teach what you know
Him who pitied no one, none will pity
Be not a burden
Do not sit down between two sitting people without first asking their permission
Be economical
An inhospitable person is an inferior person
Repay those who made good to you
Everything created by Allah is fine, though people not always understand it
Allah created diseases, but He also created medicines for them
Allah is generous and likes generous people
The way to paradise is opened by knowledge
Do not be lazy
Do not wish death to yourself or to others
Sacred scriptures, source of Truth
Truth in Hinduism
Eternal, the pursuit of knowledge and understanding of the Truth is a virtue - the only Reality and the essence of the universe
The goal of every Hindu, could be the right conduct, righteousness, morals, or duty
Part of the Karma cycle, the actions of the soul in the body will reap the consequences in the next life, the same soul is transferring in different bodies trying to perfect the dharma
Eight-Fold Path to end suffering in Buddhism
Right view
Correct intention
Right speech
Right action
Right livelihood
Correct effort
Correct mindfulness
Correct concentration
Right speech
To avoid lying, misleading statements or standing as a false witness against another
Correct effort
To achieve goals in life that are attuned to what is right and truthful
Correct mindfulness and correct concentration
Right sense of awareness of one's person, body, thoughts, and the right spiritual practice to experience transcendence and enlightenment
The origin of all things, the Universe
Yin and Yang
Opposite forces all the time
Chapter 1, Tao Te Ching: '"Tao (The Way) that can be spoken of is not the Constant Tao"'
Chapter 2, Tao Te Ching: '"As soon as beauty is known by the world as beautiful, it becomes ugly"'
Chapter 3, Tao Te Ching: '"By not adoring the worthy, people will not fall into dispute. By not valuing the hard-to-get objects, people will not become robbers"'
Tao Te Ching teaches how to live life effortlessly in accordance to the law of nature or the Way
Main points include Belief in God as Father, Jesus Christ as the son of God, and the Holy Spirit
The Virgin Mary
Christian practices
Eucharist (Holy Communion or the Lord's Supper)
Prayer (including the Lord's Prayer)
Burial rites
Marriage rites
Non-Catholics do not practice praying the rosary
Catholics get instructions from the Vatican, the Holy Pope
Parts of the Mass
Gospel reading
Giving of Peace to all believers
Giving a portion of their incomes to the church
theism - belief in one god, monotheistic religions (judaism, christianity, islam)
monotheism - belief in one god, eg judaism, islam, christianity
henotheism - worshipping only one god but acknowledging others exist
pantheon - all gods are part of nature
monotheism - belief in one god
patron saint - saints who protect certain groups or places
pantheon - group of gods that are worshipped by people
religion is the belief in a supernatural power greater than oneself