literally 'sent out', the duty of christians to spread the gospel
define evangelism
preaching the gospel to convert people to christian faith
define ecumenism
promoting unity among the world's christian churches
finish the quote: "christ has no body now ......... ........"
but yours
finish the quote: "go into the world and preach ....... ....... ........... .... ..... ........"
the gospel to all creation
finish the quote: "as father has sent me, ...... ...... ..........."
I am sending you
explain a reason why evangelism is important for the christian church
many christians believe that the primary mission of church is to evangelise. this is clear when jesus tells his disciples to "go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the father, son and holy spirit. therefore, evangelism is important because it is commissioned and commanded by jesus in the new testament.
explain a reason why evangelism is important for the christian church
some christians believe that salvation can only be found through jesus and so they have a duty to tell many people about his teachings as possible. jesus teaches "i am the way, the truth and the life, nobody comes to the father except through me". this demonstrates why evangelism is important because christians may believe people will not be saved unless they have developed faith in jesus.