Cards (28)

  • what is the definition of OCD
    OCD is an anxiety disorder which involves unwanted and recurring thoughts. the obsessions are internal and compulsions are external and carried out to reduce the anxiety created by the obsessions.
  • What are the behavioural characteristics of OCD?
    Compulsions- Responses to the obsessions- repetitive to reduce anxiety

    Avoidance- attempt to reduce anxiety by keeping away from situations that trigger it- can interfere with Normal life.
  • What are the emotional characteristics of OCD?
    Guilt and disgust
  • What are the cognitive characteristics of OCD?
    Obsessive thoughts,
    cognitive strategies to deal with obsessions,
    insight into excessive anxiety
  • what is the genetic explanation of ocd?
    Genetic explanations focus on identifying particular genes that contribute to OCD called candidate genes
    The COMT gene and the SERT gene have been linked to OCD.
  • How does the SERT gene link to OCD?
    the SERT gene affects transport of serotonin which leads to lower levels which are associated with OCD
  • How does the COMT gene link to OCD?
    comt gene is associated with high levels of dopamine which is linked to OCD
  • what do researchers study to find genetic links in OCD
    concordance rates
  • What did Nestadt et al find?
    68% CR IN MZ
    32% CR IN DZ
    - however doesn't prove its entirely genetic
  • What is the diathesis-stress model?
    a psychological theory that attempts to explain a disorder as the result of an interaction between a predispositional vulnerability and a stress caused by life experiences.
  • AO3: strength
    Groothest et al found OCD originates in childhood is more genetic than adulthood
  • AO3: Weakness
    several genes ( polygenic ) are involved with ocd so its not the result of just one gene, that is unreliable and invalid
  • what is the neural explanation of OCD?
    - dopamine levels are abnormally high in OCD patients
    - lower levels of serotonin
    - damaged brain areas
  • how is dopamine linked with OCD
    high dopamine, induces movement that resemble ocd compulsions
  • how is serotonin linked with OCD
    SSRis reduce ocd syptoms
  • what part of the brain is associated with poor decision making
    lateral frontal lobes
  • AO3: strength
    supported by Zohar, 60% of sufferers reported symptoms reduced after using SSRIs
  • AO3: Weakness
    serotonin isn't the only explanation as not 100% symptoms were reported to be reduced
  • What are SSRIs?
    selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
  • what did Julien 2005 find?
    reported improvement was found in 70-80% of cases, the obsessions and compulsions are greatly reduced
  • What did Soomro et al find?
    70% of patients taking SSRIs experienced a decline in symptoms
  • what is an eclectic treatment programme?
    combination of drug therapy and psychological therapy for most effectiveness
  • AO3: strength
    :) SSRIs are cheap compared to CBT
    :) passive treatment
  • AO3: Weakness
    :( high drop out rate as they take 12-16 weeks to take effect
    :( side effects such as nausea, headaches and suicidal urges
    :( symptoms return of drugs are stopped
  • what are tricylics
    Has the same effect of SSRIs but some patients respond to them better; but they have more side effects so its kept in reserve for last resort cases.
  • what are SNRIs
    serotonin and noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors
  • what do anti-anxiety drugs
    reduce anxiety of ocd
  • what are beta blockers
    act on heart and blood pressure to reduce physical symptoms of ocd