Life before 1066

Cards (13)

  • What was Anglo-Saxon England like?
    • Self-sufficient
    • Very rural
  • How was the country divided?
    • Divided into Earldoms
    • Reached ruled by an Earl appointed by the King
  • What was the problem with Earls?
    • Could become quite powerful
    • Needed the King to keep control of them
  • What was the population at the time?
    2 mil
  • Where did the population mostly live?
    In the South
  • Was Anglo-Saxon England considered to be wealthy?
  • Why was being wealthy a problem?
    Target for raids - Vikings in particular
  • Who did Anglo-Saxon trade with?
    France and Scandinavia
  • What was the central point of Anglo-Saxon life?
  • What did Churches do besides ceremonial things?
    Collected taxes
  • What books showed that the Anglo-Saxon people had a sense of identity?
    • The Exeter Book
    • The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle
  • Where was trade done?
    Markets & Burhs
  • How was trade done?
    By Bartering and Exchanging