Cards (50)

  • Definition of depression
    a low sad state in which life seems bleak and lifes challenges seem overwhelming
  • Behavioural characteristics of depression
    Activity levels - reduced energy levels leading to withdrawal from work, education and social life
    Also leads to psychomotor agitation
    Disruption to sleep + eating - insomnia and hypersomnia, increase or decrease in appetite leading to weight gain/loss
    Aggression and self harm - irritability, verbal aggression, physical aggression directed at themself
  • emotional characteristics of depression
    Lowered mood, anger, low self esteem
  • cognitive characteristics of depression
    Poor concentration
    Dwelling on the negative
    Absolutist thinking
  • aaron becks theory of depression
    depression is due to
    - negative schemas
    - faulty info processing
    - the negative triad
  • what does the negative triad consist of?
    negative self view
    negative world view
    negative future view
  • Boury et als study ?

    monitored students thoughts with the beck depression theory found that depressives misinterpret facts and experiences negatively
  • Ellis' ABC model
    activating event, beliefs, consequences
  • musturbation
    belief that an individual must meet perfectionist goals
  • utopianism
    belief that everything should be fair and equal
  • AO3: strength
    Practical application to CBT
  • AO3: Weakness
    partial explanation to depression, not all due to an activating event
  • General eval
  • AO3: strengths
    :) - based on scientific research
    :) - reductionist - single simple treatment
  • AO3: Weakness's
    :( - reductionist
    :( - negative thinking could be a symptom not a cause
    :( - beck + ellis cant explain all aspects
  • CBT
    cognitive behavioral therapy
  • what's the first stage of CBT and explain
    increasing pleasurable activities, scheduling them to improve clients mood
  • what's the second stage of CBT and explain
    identify irrational thoughts and note them down for homework as well as good events
  • what's the third stage of CBT and explain
    challenge irrational thoughts, test the truth of the thoughts
  • what's the lats stage of CBT and explain
    change irrational thoughts, clients mood should have improved
  • Study - March et al (2007)

    compared effects of cbt, antidepressants and both on 327 depressives, found 81% improvement in both cbt and antidepressants and 86% improvement using both
  • AO3: strength
    no side effects
  • AO3: Weakness
    :( expensive and time consuming
    :( requires motivation
    :( may not work for severe cases
  • BECKS CBT - name the stages

    - goal setting
    - challenge negative thoughts
    - dysfunctional thought diary
    - homework
  • ELLIS REMT - stages
    - challenge and dispute
    logical disputing and empirical
  • Definition of depression
    a low sad state in which life seems bleak and lifes challenges seem overwhelming
  • Behavioural characteristics of depression
    Activity levels - reduced energy levels leading to withdrawal from work, education and social life
    Also leads to psychomotor agitation
    Disruption to sleep + eating - insomnia and hypersomnia, increase or decrease in appetite leading to weight gain/loss
    Aggression and self harm - irritability, verbal aggression, physical aggression directed at themself
  • emotional characteristics of depression
    Lowered mood, anger, low self esteem
  • cognitive characteristics of depression
    Poor concentration
    Dwelling on the negative
    Absolutist thinking
  • aaron becks theory of depression
    depression is due to
    - negative schemas
    - faulty info processing
    - the negative triad
  • what does the negative triad consist of?
    negative self view
    negative world view
    negative self view
  • Boury et als study ?
    monitored students thoughts with the beck depression theory found that depressives misinterpret facts and experiences negatively
  • Ellis' ABC model
    activating event, beliefs, consequences
  • musturbation
    belief that an individual must meet perfectionist goals
  • utopianism
    belief that everything should be fair and equal
  • AO3: strength
    Practical application to CBT
  • AO3: Weakness
    partial explanation to depression, not all due to an activating event
  • General eval
  • AO3: strengths
    :) - based on scientific research
    :) - reductionist - single simple treatment
  • AO3: Weakness's
    :( - reductionist
    :( - negative thinking could be a symptom not a cause
    :( - beck + ellis cant explain all aspects