Cards (22)

  • a phobia is..

    a constant irrational fear of a person object or place. it is an irrational panic response in which the fear is greater than the threat posed and it interferes with day to day life
  • what are the three behavioural characteristics of a phobia
    avoidance, panic, endurance
  • what are the 2 emotional characteristics of a phobia
    anxiety, unreasonable responses
  • what are the three cognitive characteristics of a phobia
    selective attention, irrational beliefs, cognitive distortion
  • who proposed the 2 process model
    Hobart Mowrer (1960)
  • classical conditioning
    associating a neutral stimulus with a bad experience = fear
  • operant conditioning
    maintains phobia
  • how does operant conditioning maintain the phobia
    Through negative reinforcement.
    when avoidance response occurs the fear is reduced negatively reinforcing the avoidance so it happens again
  • a strength of this theory
    explanatory power helps develop effective treatments
  • Reductionism strength and limitation?
    :( - reductionist, ignores bio explanations
    :) - however a simple explanation = a simple treatment
  • why isn't this applicable to agoraphobics?
    because they dont use avoidance responses
  • systematic desensitization
    A type of exposure therapy that associates a pleasant relaxed state with gradually increasing phobic stimuli
  • what is counter conditioning
    making a new association between the phobic stimulus + relaxation
  • what are the 4 stages of systematic desensitisation
    - taught relaxation techniques
    - create a fear hierarchy - least to most
    - exposed to phobic stimulus (in vivo/ covert)
    - repeat at each stage
  • what is covert desensitisation
  • what is in vivo desensitisation
    A real life situation
  • is it effective
    :) 50% effective which is 25% more than other treatments
    :( however if it was fully effective it would be 100%
  • 2 limitations of this method
    - techniques developed may not transfer to real life
    - expensive, time consuming
  • flooding
    patients are exposed to large amounts of their feared stimulus they cant maintain a panic state so they eventually calm down and relax
  • 2 strengths
    - effective, Wolpe put a girl in a car and drove her around for 4 hours to extinguish fear of cars
    - quick + cost effective
  • 2 limitations
    - more ethical issues than SD, protection from harm
    - not applicable to agoraphobics