Some bacteria have flagella that allow them to move through liquids.
What is your trachea, bronchus and bronchioles covered in?
Ciliated epithelial cells
What does tar do to your epithelial cells?
Damages cilia and clogs goblet cells so they can't secrete mucus.
What is a carcinogen?
A cancer-causing cell
What are bad microbes Called?
What good things can microbes be used for?
Yeast can be used for the making of bread and alcohol.
What do lymphocytes do to pathogens?
Produce antibodies that damage the pathogen
What to phagocytes do to pathogens?
Engulf them. In the process, they destroy the pathogen.
What is the process of Immunisation?
What is the process of immunisation?
Weakened or dead version of the pathogen is injected into the body so lymphocytes can produce antibodies specific to the antigen. Once lymphocytes know how to make the antibodies, they multiply.
What are memory cells?
Specialised immune cells that "remember" previousencounters with pathogens and mount a faster and stronger immune response upon re-exposure.
What are bacteria?
Very small cells which reproduce rapidly inside your body. Once inside the body, they release poisons and toxins that make you feel ill.
What are three common diseases caused by bacteria?
Food poisoning, tuberculosis, whooping cough
What do viruses consist of?
protein coat surrounding a strand of DNA
Where is the only place a virus can reproduce?
Inside a living host cell
3 common diseases caused by viruses?
Chicken pox, common cold, measles
what are the largest type of microbe?
What are the smallest type of microbe?
Are mushrooms microbes, why?
No, lots of cells
Are yeasts microbes?Why?
Yes, single celled
What are two fungi that can be harmful to your health?
Athlete's foot, ringworm
How does the skin help to defend your body against disease?
Barrier against micro-organisms. Able to replace itself if damaged
How do eyes help to defend your body against disease?
Tears contain substance-killing bacteria
How does the stomach help to defend your body against disease?
Contains hydrochloric acid at pH2 which is strong enough to kill most microbes that have entered
How does the respiratory tract help defend your body against diseases?
Cilia and mucus line the airways which trip microbes and sweep them out of the body before they enter the lungs
How does the blood help to defend your body against disease?
Contains platelets which allow the blood to clot and form scabs, preventing blood loss and preventingbacteria from entering the body through wounds.
What are white blood cells' three main lines of attack against microbes?
consuming the pathogen 2. producing antibodies 3.producing antitoxins
By who and when were antibodies discovered?
Alexander Fleming, 1928
What microbe do antibiotics not work on and why?
Viruses. Because a virus can only exist inside a living host cell. The antibiotic cannot reach them without harming the body's tissue