Book 7 - The palace of Alcinous

Cards (18)

  • Odysseus M epithet?
    Much-enduring Odysseus
  • Athene, in her concern for

    His welfare, enveloped him in a thick mist
  • ‘The people who look on her

    like a goddess, and greet her when she walks through the town’ [ Athene ]
  • ‘For she is also
    a wise woman’ [ Athene ]
  • ‘She settles even

    men’s disputes’ [ Athene ]
  • His heart was filled with 

    varied emotions and he kept on stopping before he reached the bronze threshold
  • On either side stood gold
    and silver dogs, which Hephaestus had made with consummate skill
  • Such were the glorious
    gifts the gods had bestowed on Alcinous’ home
  • The much-enduring good Odysseus walked straight
    Up the hall, wrapped in the mist that Athene shed about him, till he reached Arete and King Alcinous and threw his arms around Arete’s knees
  • ‘I come a suppliant to your

    husband, to you and to your guests’ [ Odysseus ]
  • ‘We may now make a
    drink-offering to Zeus the Thunderer, patron of suppliants, who deserves respect’ [ Alcinous ]
  • ‘I have neither the look nor
    the stature of the immortal gods who live in heaven‘ [ Odysseus ]
  • ’I myself will question you

    and ask you this first. Who are you?’ [ Arete ]
  • ‘It would be wearisome to

    tell you all my troubles from the first to last, for the gods have sent me so many’ [ Odysseus ]
  • ‘I was alone, for with one of

    his blinding bolts Zeus had smashed my good ship to pieces’ [ Odysseus ]
  • ‘The princess herself was with them,

    looking like a goddess. I asked for help. And she proved what good sense she has’ [ Odysseus ]
  • ‘We men are
    naturally suspicious’ [ Odysseus ]
  • ‘I wish that a man like you,

    like-minded with myself, could have my daughter and remain here as my son-in-law’ [ Alcinous ]