Battle of Fulford Gate

Cards (7)

  • Who were the invaders?
    • Harald Hardrada
    • Tostig
    • 7000 Viking soldiers
  • Who were the defenders?
    • Anglo-Saxon Earls Edwin and Morcar
    • 4500 soldiers
  • What were the Anglo-Saxon's plan?
    To create a shield wall to defend against the enemy's attack
  • What was the Viking's plan?
    • To have Tostig guide the inexperienced soldiers in the front line
    • And have Hardrada sneak in from behind and encircle the Anglo-Saxon troops
  • Who won?
    Harald and Tostig
  • What weapons did the Vikings use?
    • Double-Edged sword (Harald Hardrada's weapon)
    • Axe (Viking Soldier's weapon)
  • What happened after the battle?
    • Harald and Tostig marched to York and forced them to surrender to Viking control
    • They were ordered to wait at Stamford Bridge to wait for Hostages