1934 - Germany signed a Non-AggressionPact with Poland that was supposed to last 10 years. Gave the impression he was a manofpeace, not war
1935 - Germany signed the Anglo-GermanNavalAgreement.Limited Germany’s navy to 35% of the size of the British navy
1935 - an area of Germany called the Saar voted to return to Germancontrol.
Actions suggesting Hitler was preparing for war
1933 - Germanywithdrew from a disarmamentconference and left the LeagueofNations. He did not want to be bound by the rules and regulations of being a membercountry
1935 - Hitler started a re-armamentprogramme.Army increased to 550,000 by the introduction of conscription. Number of militaryaircraft increased to 2,500
7 March 1936 - remilitarised the Rhineland.Britain and Francecondemned the remilitarisation as it broke the Treaty of Versailles, but neither took action to reverse it, nor saw it as an act of war