A sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by a bacterium with symptoms of a thick yellow or green discharge from the vagina or penis and pain on urinating
The process of introducing small quantities of dead or inactive forms of a pathogen into the body to stimulate the white blood cells to produce antibodies
Touching contaminated surfaces, kissing, contact with bodily fluids, direct skin to skin, microorganisms from faeces, infected plant material left in field
Pathogens can be carried in the air and then breathed in (a common example is the droplet infection, which is when sneezing, coughing or talking expels pathogens in droplets which can be breathed in)
Injecting a small amount of a harmless pathogen into an individual's body, they can become immune to it so it will not infect them. This means they cannot pass it on.
Measles symptoms include fever and red skin rash, can lead to other problems such as pneumonia (lung infection), encephalitis (brain infection) and blindness
Initially flu-like symptoms, then the virus attacks the immune system and leads to AIDS (a state in which the body is susceptible to many different diseases)